This...I'm in the same boat in the Northwest...mostly covering preps, but get to dabble in some of Portland's minor pro teams and a mix of college features. Glad to be at a shop where I can for the most part set my own schedule.
No, allow me to paraphrase your generous post: You just called him ugly, thin-voiced, and a bad—because I associate self-indulgence with bad, as I'm sure you meant it, too—writer. With my entirely fact-based post, I'm pointing out that Bill's either overcome tremendous obstacles or you're wrong, as well as smug and obtuse. I don't give a shit about podcasts, but I'm not ashamed to admit that any of the other three things I mentioned, I'd be happy to take and call it a career. Like him or hate him, he has accomplished many, many things that most of us—all of us, including you—would give a nut for. I am envious especially of his No. 1 bestseller. I would very much like to have such a book. These are also facts.
Just lived the dream job for five months, driving around the country with Mrs. Bobcat, living out of (and sometimes sleeping in) the back of our car, talking with thousands of people in and around minor league baseball, writing stories and shooting videos and running a website about one sliver of life in America today and falling in love with my wife all over again. Now I want to write a book. And develop a cable television series. And open a drive-in movie theater. And maybe have some kids. I worked eight years with newspapers and trade magazines and I loved most of them. Time for something different now.
I seem to be the minority here, but I'd still really like to cover a Major League Baseball beat. I'm a baseball guy, always have been, always will be. I know I can do the job and do it well. Just hope to one day grab an opportunity by the tail and own it. That's not to say my entire career will be defined as a success or failure by whether or not I get to cover an MLB beat someday, it's just the one thing in my career I've always wanted a shot at.
Be careful with this. The nobilization of poverty in the business is dangerous, particularly for young idealists. You become a journalist to tell stories and to make money. Now, I'm not saying that you have to make six figures or that there isn't more to life than money. There certainly is. As anyone will tell you, there are miserable millionaires. Miserable billionaires, even. And there are very happy individuals making $30,000 a year. Everyone's values are different. But some day, you will want to build a life for yourself outside of work. More importantly, you'll want to build a life for your wife and your children. I don't want to die without seeing Paris or London or the Great Wall. I don't want my children to take out student loans for college. At the same time, I couldn't care less what I drive. But I'm getting pretty far afield here. The point is that your post raised a bit of an alarm bell for me, because you seemed to hint that you're not only unconcerned about the direction of the business, as a business, but almost consider going down with the sinking ship to be heroic. Don't do that to yourself.
If that girl was a guy, she'd be a dick. Hell, she's probably still a dick. And Whitman, you've got a point. I definitely want to iron out some stability in the next couple of years. I guess what I meant was, "As long as I get where I want to go, I don't care how crappy the road to get there is."
The only thing is, my (our) dream is a two-step process. You've gotta become a millionaire somehow first, then you can be a hobo. But I'm workin' on it!!!!!!!!