I interned at WDVE in Pittsburgh back in the late 1970s...my 'job' was to go to concerts and get promos for the radio station. They gave me one of those old cassette recorders a stage pass and turned me loose. I was 17 at the time; stories? Oh hell yeah I got a few...
I interned at the Legislative Gazette in Albany. Spent a summer at the Syracuse Newspapers, which I landed through a temp agency. Couldn't have asked for a better summer job.
The (Middletown, N.Y.) Times Herald Record, covering g.a. news out of the Monticello bureau. It was my first and only internship, taken AFTER my senior year. A couple of months later I landed at USAT (albeit on the agate desk). All in all, not bad.
The Richmond News Leader (RIP), summer of 1988. Moddy showed me the ropes and took me to ... what was that place on Broad? Triples? That was a pretty good summer despite having to be at work at 6:30 a.m.
Triples, I believe, is a pool hall. So get your minds out of the gutter. Or maybe I'm thinking of somewhere else? I miss The News Leader.
You're right. The first first place I interned was WTVR, the CBS affiliate in Richmond. I was there for six weeks during the summer before my senior year in high school (summer of 1984 or thereabouts) Triples was on the other side of Broad Street from the TV station, but it had some sort of grill/restaurant that the shooters ate at pretty regularly. The RNL lunch hangout was the Red something ... Red Door? Red Tavern? And Perly's. Are either of those still around? And, yeah, the RNL was a great place to intern. Every aspiring sports writer should be required to do a 7 a.m. phoner with the Late Model short track winner from the night before.
Door. And, yes, both are still open. About nothing else down there is but those are, or were when I last worked there. Third Street Diner still kicking, too.