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Where's the best place to work near Atlanta/Charlotte/Winston-Salem?

Discussion in 'Journalism topics only' started by xswriter, Nov 24, 2008.

  1. xswriter

    xswriter Guest

    Yeah. That was exactly what I was doing.

    To the rest of you who actually offered helpful advice, thanks. That's all I was looking for. I've been hearing things like that a lot lately and was just trying to get a feel for what I had in store.

    So to those of you who wonder what the heck you were doing going into journalism, what do you suggest? I still have a semester to re-route my career plan. Grad school isn't much of an option since I don't want to mess with loans in today's economy and credit markets. I also have a writing minor, although I doubt that counts for much. Is PR a viable option? Should I pursue that route? What other options are out there for a journalism major?

    Yeah this majorly sucks....but hey, life changes.
  2. Paper Dragon

    Paper Dragon Member

    The State (Columbia) and The Greenville News just laid people off. Both will probably lay more people off before the end of the year.
  3. txsportsscribe

    txsportsscribe Active Member

    p.r. jobs aren't exactly flowing freely, either. have you considered teaching? that way you could still freelance/string and maybe the newspaper/magazine business will turn around somewhere down the line.
  4. captzulu

    captzulu Member

    Since you're just starting out, you still have plenty of options since you haven't been pigeon-holed into whatever profession you happen to start in and you don't have to worry about things like whether to take a step down the career ladder to switch professions. As long as you have good writing and oral communication skills, there are companies in a variety of non-journalism fields that could use your services. PR or internal communications is definitely an option. Don't think that you need to settle on your career right now. The first job you take after school won't be your last. While you're still young, pick up web skills, design skills, learn a little photography, etc. That versatility will serve you down the road. Even if grad school isn't an option, those are things that you can learn on your own with a little time and effort.
  5. da man

    da man Well-Known Member

    I have one word for you:

  6. Mitch21

    Mitch21 Member

    Consider taking classes in technical writing and or sports management where you could go to work for a college as a sports information director. There are plenty of options out there you just have to get creative.

    That being said ... I work at Best Buy ... in the warehouse ... noone around me has a college education ... except of course for me.

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