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Whitlock done all around ESPN

Discussion in 'Journalism topics only' started by loveyabye, Sep 25, 2006.

  1. Double J

    Double J Active Member

    Fixed. :D
  2. GuessWho

    GuessWho Active Member

    Donde esta Bristol Insider? He's been awfully quiet on this.
  3. Dave_Doyle

    Dave_Doyle New Member

    If you got rid of snark, convoluted point/counterpoint screamfests, and humor aimed at former frat boys who can't accept college is over, about 90% of what passes for pop culture these days would vanish. We need another cultural equivalent of Nirvana to come along and stop all the crap dead in its' tracks.

    Back to the topic at hand ...
  4. Tiger16

    Tiger16 Member

    I think Simmons' comments about spending eight hours a day on sports journalism message boards makes it pretty clear that he lurks here a lot and is well aware of what's said.
  5. MertWindu

    MertWindu Active Member

    Not to steer this away from the praise of Whitlock, bot how ridiculous is Simmons? I used to enjoy him back on his AOL days, when he was just the easy-to-digest Boston columnist who found some good links every day. His comments on his chat belie an unbelievable arrogance. I know it had been brewing, but how fucking full of yourself do you have to be to think people want to read 6,200 of your words every week? That chat, by the way, I couldn't finish it, but I checked, and it's ELEVEN THOUSAND WORDS LONG. Take out the reader questions, and you're STILL probably looking at 6-7 thousand words. Jesus Christ on a crapstick. By the way, Bill, since I know you check in here from time to time to slum with us losers who "spend eight hours on a message board," stop using terms like "explore the studio space," like you're a fucking jazz saxophone player. Holy christ, 7,000 words about how every team in the NBA is like a 90210 character is NOT interesting, despite whatever your faithful readers might say.
  6. Yeah, I agree. I would prefer baseball and characters from Stallone movies.
  7. da man

    da man Well-Known Member

    Unless the next guy is Whitlock.
  8. Cousin Jeffrey

    Cousin Jeffrey Active Member

    "Explore the studio space" is a quote from the classic SNL skit about Blue Oyster Cult that is constantly referenced in his ouevre.
  9. Chi City 81

    Chi City 81 Guest

    Fixed. :D
  10. MertWindu

    MertWindu Active Member

    I realize that. It's still ridiculous.
  11. On the other hand, maybe it's good that Simmons doesn't actually report anything.
    We might be into seven digits every week.
    (Oh, and Bill? If you're stopping by, Rick Reilly makes you look like a child. Pass it on.)
  12. Clever username

    Clever username Active Member

    The problem with Simmons-bashing here is that, presumably, we're all journalists, so we have an incredibly different slant on what he does. Ninety-nine percent of his readers are the poor saps who have to use an alarm clock to get up in time for work.

    Personally, I took him seriously when I was college and was devout. Then I read the column his first intern wrote about meeting Simmons for the first time. Even in that you got the sense Simmons was a colossal prick and full of himself. I still read him for giggles, but that's it.
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