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Who's got the worst drivers?

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by JackReacher, May 21, 2009.

  1. sportschick

    sportschick Active Member

    I can get behind this.

    And I still think Indiana in general has the worst drivers, even worse than the people on the Beltway in D.C./MD./VA.
  2. Sam Mills 51

    Sam Mills 51 Well-Known Member

    *Bows in 2MCM's direction* Danica Patrick emphatically agrees.

    Shocked it took this long for that answer to emerge.
  3. Mark2010

    Mark2010 Active Member

    That is certainly a valid point. So what statistics are we using to compile this list? Fatalities-per-accident or raw aggregate fender benders.
  4. JakeandElwood

    JakeandElwood Well-Known Member

    The test doesn't seem to really work to me because it tests if you know the rules, not if you actually apply them on the road.
  5. KG

    KG Active Member

    Thhhhhhhhhhhppppp!! He never even asked for my driver's license.
  6. dooley_womack1

    dooley_womack1 Well-Known Member

    It was the first time "touch your elbows to your back" was part of a traffic stop.
  7. lono

    lono Active Member

    There's a joke about handcuffs in there somewhere, but I'm too tired to find it.
  8. crimsonace

    crimsonace Well-Known Member

    Ohioans only drive slow because there are about six state troopers on the roads for every three civilian cars.

    Most Midwesterners will agree that Michiganders are the worst drivers in the area, but it's because Michigan is a no-fault state, so people drive like crazy because they have almost no liability.

    My general experience with Midwestern drivers:
    Indiana: Has some split personalities. Lots of people think they're racecar drivers, and therefore love to tailgate and think turn signals (and headlights) are optional.
    Illinois: They drive with bricks tied to the gas pedals. The closer to Chicago, the more aggressive they get. But even downstate, they have lead feet.
    Ohio: The slowest drivers in the Midwest, but largely because of the cop/human ratio.
    Michigan: Nobody understands the concept of speed limits or lane lines or rules of the road. In Detroit, they're notorious for creating lanes on the road where they don't exist. I-94 has Chicago drivers (who drive extremely fast, love to tailgate, cut people off, blast their horns at people and change 5 lanes at a time) and Detroit drivers (who drive even faster, have no concept of road safety, change 6 lanes at a time and think the shoulder is a passing lane) coupled with a 70mph speed limit, and is possibly the craziest road in the Midwest to drive.
    Wisconsin: I cringe every time I see "town speed limit 25." Traffic flows nicely through WI because semis and cars have the same speed limits.
    Missouri: Impatient. If the light turns green and you're not up to speed quicker than Big Daddy Garlits, you're going to have someone blast their horn at you. Deal with it.
    Minnesota: Summer gives them a false sense of security -- no plug-in starters and no chains.
    Kentucky: There is no stretch of road in Kentucky that has a straight section longer than three feet. So it's a difficult state to drive in.
    Pennsylvania: Once proud of its 55mph speed limit, nobody can really drive too fast because there are no straight stretches of road, interstate accelaration ramps are smaller than my laptop keyboard, 2/3 of the state's roads are under construction and the cop per-capita ratio is only slightly less than Ohio's.
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