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Who's the celebrity no one finds that hot, but you find REALLY hot?

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by Satchel Pooch, Aug 13, 2006.

  1. Gutter

    Gutter Well-Known Member

    I apologize for my misspelling but apparently you did not read up this thread and see this post. There is no need to cuss or act foolish over what amounts to trivial banter.

    I don't care. Enough.

    Otherwise I'll send Rosie in for some groundings.
  2. indiansnetwork

    indiansnetwork Active Member

    Gutter are you in the military she seems to respect you. Maybe I should let her know that I served in Iraq then maybe she would lighten up to me.
  3. Gutter

    Gutter Well-Known Member

    You're still talking.
  4. indiansnetwork

    indiansnetwork Active Member

  5. BigDog

    BigDog Active Member

    Absolutely fucking classic.
  6. Flying Headbutt

    Flying Headbutt Moderator Staff Member

  7. indiansnetwork

    indiansnetwork Active Member

    I vote again for Colleen Lopez she is a sweet milf.
  8. zeke12

    zeke12 Guest

    I see this thread is making a run at the Somali thread for dumbest shit I've ever seen.

    Carry on.
  9. indiansnetwork

    indiansnetwork Active Member

    I am sure most of the flak I am taking is because I am new here. I am almost positive of that because I know everyone here has made at least one or two spelling mistakes here.
  10. BigDog

    BigDog Active Member

    The next battle: indiansnetwork vs. sportschick in "1st Grade Math." A teaser:

    indiansnetwork: Two plus two is seven.

    sportschick: No it ai'nt yuo dum sheet. Two plus two is twelveteen.
  11. 21

    21 Well-Known Member

    I know spelling is very important to you and the rest of the SJ word police...it's 'apostrophe.' Thought you should know.
  12. indiansnetwork

    indiansnetwork Active Member

    LOL At least you have a good sense of humor about it.
    I may not be the best speller in the word but I am sure if you sat down and gave me a chance you would find I fairly smart.
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