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Why So Bitter, Herb? 2014 Edition (page 14)

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by 21, Apr 3, 2007.

  1. shockey

    shockey Active Member

    Re: Why So Bitter, Herb? (Kosher Coke Update, 2008)

    only did first night. we hosted. 19 people, including us.

    went without incident. good food. kids are older. youngest is my 5-year-old nephew.

    helped that it was a saturday. even mother and father of shockey were cool. no alternate side of the street parking for dad to be rushing mom about.

    sooooo disappointing to have no tales to tell.

    oh, and i was wrong about the salsa/chips. while mom had me get salsa, she did not bring non-kosher for pesach chips. set out a big bowl of the salsa with kosher crackers. yuck. the salsa went untouched.

    the chopped liver bowl was devoured, however.

    mom left an answering machine message sunday, effusively thanking mrs. shockey for "opening your home for all of us. we know it's not easy and everything was so lovely, dear. we love you so much."

    that's all i've got. maybe 21 can share some yuks?
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2015
  2. 21

    21 Well-Known Member

    Re: Why So Bitter, Herb? (Kosher Coke Update, 2008)

    Not ready to talk about it.
  3. shockey

    shockey Active Member

    Re: Why So Bitter, Herb? (Kosher Coke Update, 2008)

    uh-oh. whenever you're ready, we're here to help.
  4. slappy4428

    slappy4428 Active Member

    Re: Why So Bitter, Herb? (Kosher Coke Update, 2008)

    Would it help if I said "please?"
  5. accguy

    accguy Member

    Re: Why So Bitter, Herb? (Kosher Coke Update, 2008)

    Seders included way too much noise from people there and rather crap food. Somebody cooked everything too long.

    Pretty much sucked.
  6. 21

    21 Well-Known Member

    Re: Why So Bitter, Herb? 2009 Edition (page 8)

    After some discussion with several contributors to this thread, I think we should just continue where we left off, as this is a holiday of traditions that just go on and on and on (and on, if you do the whole seder).

    Where else can you learn about the four cups of vodka, salsa, and the 27 Questions.

    Always thrilled to hear how fellow-tribesfolks will suffer/commemorate/hide.

    Love, 21

    ps, TamTams are back this year.
  7. lono

    lono Active Member

    Re: Why So Bitter, Herb? 2009 Edition (page 8)

    We're having Mrs. Lono's rabbi and her son, plus assorted others.

    It will be chaotic, but hopefully fun.

    And, oh yes, four cups of Grey Goose will be consumed.
  8. dixiehack

    dixiehack Well-Known Member

    Re: Why So Bitter, Herb? 2009 Edition (page 8)

    Slappy just spit Kosher Coke all over his screen and doesn't know why.
  9. EStreetJoe

    EStreetJoe Well-Known Member

    Re: Why So Bitter, Herb? 2009 Edition (page 8)

    Going to my wife's friend, the rabbi's house, for the first seder. A fun seder that does NOT go through every single page of the Haggadah in Hebrew. Focus is on the spirituality. This will also be a vegetarian seder.

    For the second night, my wife and Little E are going to her cousin's. I'm going to be taking a Civil Litigation exam and then taking notes during the lecture. This is my toughest class and one I don't want to miss, so I figure it's ok if I miss the seder one year, while Little E is too young to understand.

    We're trying to teach 4-month old Little E how to say "Mah Neesh Tah Nah" but not having any success. :D
  10. Webster

    Webster Well-Known Member

    Re: Why So Bitter, Herb? 2009 Edition (page 8)

    Snark free on a holiday thread for once.

    Ours is going to be tough -- we celebrate most holidays with the best friends of my in-laws and their set of friends. It's a fun time with lots of things to make fun of on the drive home, plus we can usually avoid the long Jewish goodbye because my daughter is in mid-meltdown by 9 or so.

    Unfortunately, a month ago, my father-in-law died suddenly and my mother-in-law has been in a state of denial, depression and/or a Xanax-fueled haze since then. She's been staying with us since the night he died and, despite our nudging her to go to at least one Seder, she has said that she didn't want to face her friends.

    Last week, she decided that we should all go both nights. I'm guessing it it is going to be no fun, but a necessary part of the grieving process. Hopefully, the food will be good.
  11. shockey

    shockey Active Member

    Re: Why So Bitter, Herb? 2009 Edition (page 8)

    thanks for joining us again this year, 21. wouldn't be the same without. :D :D :D

    the shockeys are hosting 15 on night two (thursday), plus our five for a nice 20. mrs. shockey and my mom have made one concession, finally -- all paper/plastic plates, cups, etc., except for silverware and serving dishes/platters/bowls.

    among the visitors will be the cohens, our best buds in the 'hood. their son (16) is best buds with middle boy shockey. older sister is close to big-boy shockey though a year older. mrs. cohen has converted but i tease her for being a "shiksa goddess" -- tall, blond, blue-eyed. mr. c, like myself, over-achieved big-time. mrs. c and mrs. shockey are best buds so this helps take the edge off from hosting my jew crew. ;)

    everyone has their assignments, as to what dish to bring. we may finally be getting this stuff right.

    of course, little in the way of stories or hilarity in the pregame. thursday's tales of traffic and comments should begin rolling in by thursday at 4 p.m., when calls from the road start rolling in.

    we're doing nothing on night 1. just resting up for the invasions. ;) ;) ;)
  12. slappy4428

    slappy4428 Active Member

    Re: Why So Bitter, Herb? 2009 Edition (page 8)

    Why is this thread different than any other thread?
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