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Why So Bitter, Herb? 2014 Edition (page 14)

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by 21, Apr 3, 2007.

  1. EStreetJoe

    EStreetJoe Well-Known Member

    Re: Why So Bitter, Herb? 2009 Edition (page 8)

    Seder 1 was at a female rabbi's house (who is a vegetarian) who my wife has been friends with since high school. Vegetarians substitute an orange for the shank bone on the seder plate. There were readings from multiple hagaddahs (the one base one we used plus about half a dozen other ones spread about the table). Skipped the answering of the four questions and the readings about the four sons in favor of a discussion about why the story of Passover is not told in the haggadah - elements of it are there, but the story itself is not retold. At one point, in the pre-meal seder the mini tambourines and marraccas were brought so we could sing Debbie Friedman's "Miriam's Song". Dinner was the egg in salt water, red pepper soup (that had too much pepper, it made horseradish seem mild), and then chillean sea bass, mashed potatoes, and ratatouille. A chocolate lava cake, strawberries and some other kind of fruit/cake mix was the desert. Because of the discussions and singing and dinner conversation the seder lasted close to 4 hours.
  2. heyabbott

    heyabbott Well-Known Member

    Re: Why So Bitter, Herb? 2009 Edition (page 8)

    Mah nishtanah halyla hazeh mikol halaylot

    Happy Passover.

    This Passover was unique in our family. My normally observant father, 80 years young, was highly indulgent. We had the Sedar at his Country Club, s mall gathering of 8, inlcuding an 11 year old and a 5 year old.
    We did a speed service of 18 (Chai) minutes and ordered off the club's menu. NY Strip steak on Passover was great. My 11 year old niece had a crab cake and my father didn't bat an eye lash. Slivovitz
  3. slappy4428

    slappy4428 Active Member

    Re: Why So Bitter, Herb? 2009 Edition (page 8)

    I laughed at that.
  4. PaperDoll

    PaperDoll Well-Known Member

    Re: Why So Bitter, Herb? 2009 Edition (page 8)

    My family's first seder was remarkably calm. In lieu of good stories, I offer the Facebook Hagaddah.

    By the way, it is indeed possible for Passover products to spoil. Dang leftover Tam Tams are rancid, and the macaroons are on beyond stale.

    Anybody remember where I put my real sandwich? :-\
  5. EStreetJoe

    EStreetJoe Well-Known Member

    Re: Why So Bitter, Herb? 2009 Edition (page 8)

    Thank you for posting that Hagaddah - it was a riot.
  6. lono

    lono Active Member

    Re: Why So Bitter, Herb? 2009 Edition (page 8)

    We had the rabbi over.

    When I had to leave to go to work, she looked at me and said, "Thanks for coming by."

    I said, "It's OK. I live here."
  7. 21

    21 Well-Known Member

    Re: Why So Bitter, Herb? 2009 Edition (page 8)

    Sadly (for me, and probably a relief for you), I have nothing to contribute. For the first time in many years, decided to risk the wrath of God and my mother, and skipped the family Passover adventure.

    I have no doubt my absence has given new meaning to the slaying of the first born.
  8. slappy4428

    slappy4428 Active Member

    Re: Why So Bitter, Herb? 2009 Edition (page 8)

    Hang in there (and be sure to share if you get in trouble...)
  9. 21

    21 Well-Known Member

    Re: Why So Bitter, Herb? 2009 Edition (page 8)

    Oh, I'm in trouble.

    The strange thing is, I really didn't think I'd care, on account of being an ADULT OVER 40 who should be entirely capable of making decisions REGARDLESS OF WHAT THE REST OF THE FAMILY THINKS, regardless of the fact that Lou now sees deer wandering around the house....but I do feel a little guilty.
  10. OTD

    OTD Well-Known Member

    Re: Why So Bitter, Herb? 2009 Edition (page 8)

    I'm sure that will make your mother happy just by itself.
  11. shockey

    shockey Active Member

    Re: Why So Bitter, Herb? 2009 Edition (page 8)

    sounds to me that you needed a well-deserved break from family drama, 21. glad you had the strength to do what was best for you, as hard as it must have been.

    next year, i'd be honored to have mrs. shockey set two more places for 21 and boom, if you find yourself missing the bitter herb experience too much.

    our night 2 seder went quite smoothly, save for my bro-in-law apparently insulting my friend mr. cohen the headhunter when i wasn't listening. he later also derided mr. cohen's amazing daughter by telling her he should drop her plans to get into communications. this morning the delaware sophomore landed a pretty sweet summer p.r. internship at "the fuse" cable network, going with her dad's guidance and her own heart instead of the advice of my other-worldly bro-in-law. ;) ;) ;)
  12. 21

    21 Well-Known Member

    Re: Why So Bitter, Herb? 2009 Edition (page 8)

    Thank you, shockey my friend. May these eight days of matza pass easily, if such a thing is gastroenterologically possible.

    I will transcribe the message my mother left me today, when I have an hour and a drink, not in that order.
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