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Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by shockey, Apr 2, 2013.

  1. 93Devil

    93Devil Well-Known Member

    You are all dwelling on this name calling, and yes faggot, queer, cocksucker, dyke and the like are all terrible, but to me, throwing the basketballs is what really crosses the line.

    Coaches have grabbed jerseys and face masks to get attention ever since people started keeping score, and it is wrong, but not unheard of. I also think a Coach K practice would make Redd Foxx blush.

    Throwing balls at players is pretty rare. Faggot might have gotten him fired in the paper work, but throwing basketballs is what will keep him from not getting rehired.
  2. Chef2

    Chef2 Well-Known Member

    You can damn well bet that every college basketball team that have their practices video-taped will stop.
  3. Webster

    Webster Well-Known Member

    You don't need to be under contract.

    A retaliation claim has three elements broadly stated. First, you have to engage in some sort of protected activity. A complaint about a coach assaulting players and using inappropriate language at a minimum would be something protected under the university guidelines, if not the NJ whistleblower law, CEPA. So he's met that one.

    Second, you have to have suffered an adverse employment action. Not having your position renewed would clearly fall in that category. You don't have to have a contract.

    Third, you have to show a causal connection between the complaint and the adverse employment action. In other words, you could have complained and be fired the next day because you were previously on a to be terminated list in a layoff. Or the employer learned that you engaged in misconduct unrelated to the complaint.

    I think he has a pretty good case based on the little that has been reported. His damages may be hard to quantify, but at a minimum he should get back pay for the period of time between the termination and his getting a new job. And if he can't get a new job, some front pay as well. These cases often have punitive damage awards as well.
  4. Armchair_QB

    Armchair_QB Well-Known Member

    No they won't.

    They might stop using audio though.
  5. hondo

    hondo Well-Known Member

    Because that never happens.
  6. hondo

    hondo Well-Known Member

    I really hope the physical abuse carried the same weight as the name-calling. I would hate to think that if he threw balls at their heads, kicked and pushed them, but called them "dopes" or "doodie-heads" that he'd still be employed.
  7. Dick Whitman

    Dick Whitman Well-Known Member

    As someone asked you before: Where is this proof that calling players "faggots" was the issue above firing basketballs at people's domes? Until you provide that, you're just constructing a straw man. For all time, physical violence against players has trumped verbal lashings. What finally got Bob Knight canned? No way that Rice is fired just for using "faggot," although I think that within 5-10 years, it's on par with "nigger" as an automatic pink slip word. But not yet.
  8. YankeeFan

    YankeeFan Well-Known Member

    Should we not take the AD at his word?

  9. Dick Whitman

    Dick Whitman Well-Known Member

    Because I haven't seen the context for this comment. I don't know if it was made at the time of the suspension, when he was trying to cover up the physical abuse, perhaps, or now. I don't know how the line of questioning went. Like I said, perhaps he talked about the physical abuse first. Then was asked about the slur and made this comment, implying that it was ALSO "at the core of the suspension."

    I take him at his word. I just don't know what his word actually is. I have a snippet.
  10. BDC99

    BDC99 Well-Known Member

    I have seen nor heard anything that leads me to believe anyone is more concerned with the words than the actions. Yes, the slurs were brought up by the AD, but I imagine that was to cover their ass and try to appease the gay and lesbian community. But Rice's actions are far more objectionable and are the biggest reason he was fired. The reason this is a national story is because this jackass was hurling basketballs at players and pushing them around. I have heard very little discussion of the language used, other than the obvious observation that coaches curse at players all the time.


    A little bit of context:

    "Rutgers University has a long and proud history as one of the nation's most diverse and welcoming academic institutions. Coach Rice's abusive language and actions are deeply offensive and egregiously violate the university's core values," the statement said.
    Pernetti said about 60 percent of the incidents happened in Rice's first season. He also was upset with Rice using a certain gay slur at a university where student Tyler Clementi committed suicide after a roommate used a webcam to see him kissing a man.
    "I would tell you that that word was at the core of the suspension," Pernetti said. "It absolutely concerns me. It's not acceptable."
  11. zagoshe

    zagoshe Well-Known Member

    Well I already said it - the fucking AD said it himself.

    And further, I'm sure groups like the gay and lesbians of New Jersey and some of the Hollywood liberals and the governor would be putting pressure on Rutgers if he used the word "pussy" instead of "faggot"

    You can keep playing dumb and naive, it is kind of fun to watch, but know that we all know you know better than this.

    Coaches who scream and yell and even kick a kid in the pants -- well they can be explained to sponsors and advertisers and corporate donors and all the gay students who go there and want to.

    A coach who (gasp!!!) used a homophobic slur or a bigotted slur, well he needs to go because he's costing us money.

    That's where we are today in this world and it is silly.
  12. zagoshe

    zagoshe Well-Known Member

    From your own post genius...

    "He also was upset with Rice using a certain gay slur at a university where student Tyler Clementi committed suicide after a roommate used a webcam to see him kissing a man.
    "I would tell you that that word was at the core of the suspension," Pernetti said. "It absolutely concerns me. It's not acceptable."

    Don't tell me that the gay community and the Tyler Clementi thing didn't play a much larger role in this than it should of because you are lying to yourself and to me if you believe that.
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