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Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by shockey, Apr 2, 2013.

  1. qtlaw

    qtlaw Well-Known Member

    This is typical attack the victim stuff. Oh sure, plant the seeds of doubt of "extortion" while you deflect the blatant retaliation. Nice try Rutgers, go to the next play.
  2. Lugnuts

    Lugnuts Well-Known Member

    As Dools and Boom point out, this kind of behavior is par for the course in college sports. Not irony. I don't know why I didn't see that 2 days ago.

    Cuff me! ;D
  3. YankeeFan

    YankeeFan Well-Known Member


    I'm sure a politically connected institution life Rutgers could get an FBI investigation going. Doesn't mean it will lead anywhere.
  4. dooley_womack1

    dooley_womack1 Well-Known Member

    dsgfsdao;fo ifsodijfoisdfho;sdfhad
  5. outofplace

    outofplace Well-Known Member


    Not sure if this was mentioned earlier, but apparently Rice was working on all parts of his craft when he was at Robert Morris.
  6. NDJournalist

    NDJournalist Active Member

    Mike Rice is back to coaching.

  7. Starman

    Starman Well-Known Member

    I tell you one thing, if I reffed in this league and I heard even one whisper of a word other than "fine call, Mr. Official," out of him, I'd tee his ass up so fast it would be like Warp Factor 9.8. (And Tech Two would usually follow right behind.)

    I think if I were the league president, I would also very very discreetly go to a few of their games, and if I observed him offering any words of motivation to the team other than "fine effort, ladies," his ass would be on the next rocket ship out the door.

    Fuckers like this cannot turn it on and turn it off. If he was perfectly fine with firing basketballs into the heads of his Rutgers players and calling them every name under the sun, odds are real good the practices with the 12-year-old girls include much of the same terminology.

    All it takes is one girl to take something he says wrong and go crying to her parents, who go crying to the lawyer, and you bought yourself a piece of the lawsuit, Mr. President.

    ALSO: If I were Rutgers, I am not too sure I'd be very happy with him coaching, in ANY capacity, a 12-y-o AAU girls team, or for that matter, ANY other basketball team in his "spare time."

    See, D-I coaches aren't supposed to HAVE any spare time. D-I basketball or football coaching is among the most full-time of all full-time jobs.

    I don't care if he is a "celebrity dad" coach, a coach in name only who attends two practices a month for 15 minutes and two games, any and all time he spends coaching the 12U AAU team is time he was not spending on Rutgers men's basketball, and if his piss-poor record was any indication, however much time he was spending coaching RU basketball, he needed to spend more.
  8. NDJournalist

    NDJournalist Active Member

    According to the Deadspin article, one source close to the AAU team said that "The team’s parents are fully behind Coach Rice and his instruction of their daughters," which leads me to question what type of parents are fine with allowing their 12-year-old daughters to be instructed by this man. Especially with all the video evidence. I know a lot of parents are crazy when it comes to their children playing sport, but these are 12-year-old girls. You would think they would take a step back and question this all thing.
  9. Starman

    Starman Well-Known Member

    They SAY they are all perfectly fine with Rice. That's what they say NOW.

    All it takes is him launching one C-word at the wrong girl, and everybody's goin' to the lawyer's office. (If Rice puts his hands in the wrong place on the wrong girl, he's going to jail.)

    And given the infamous video evidence, any youth basketball team or youth basketball league which allows him to coach loses any legal case instantly.

    JUDGE: The court will come to order.

    PLAINTIFFS: Your honor, the defendant team and the defendant league, knew or certainly should have known that Rice was prone to outbursts of abusive and violent behavior.

    JUDGE: The court concurs. Judgement in favor of the plantiffs with all damages maximized due to defendant's reckless disregard of a mininimally-reasonable standard of protection of their student-athletes. (Bangs gavel.)

    DEFENSE: Excuse me, your honor, you forgot to allow us to present our defense.

    JUDGE: No I didn't. You lose. Get out your checkbooks. (Bangs gavel again, much harder.)
  10. NDJournalist

    NDJournalist Active Member

    And the league can tell the parents they knew what they were getting by letting their children play for him.
  11. Starman

    Starman Well-Known Member

    Not if the league/team was formed before the whole video thing blew up in public.

    Yes anybody who pays even casual attention to basketball should have known Rice was well-known as a sideline screamer, but there's a difference between that and abusive/assaultive behavior in practice.
  12. LongTimeListener

    LongTimeListener Well-Known Member

    Further evidence that Marv Marinovich was not just a criminally abusive nut job, he was also a visionary who had the misfortune of being ahead of his time. Marv looks calm in today's youth sports landscape.
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