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Wisdom teeth

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by JackReacher, Apr 8, 2010.

  1. Roscablo

    Roscablo Well-Known Member

    If they're not impacted I wouldn't go under. It took all of 90 seconds to get all four of mine out about five years ago. I also had the debate whether or not to get knocked out and after talking to the dentist figured I'd just stay awake. There were a couple of solid pulls, but it was pain free. As fast as it went I'm glad I went that route. Would have sucked to spend the time going under and then coming to for as long as it took having them removed. Ask your dentist or oral surgeon how difficult he thinks the procedure will be.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 1, 2015
  2. ifilus

    ifilus Well-Known Member

    I'd advise going with the nitrous and the local.
    I did it that way and it was easy.

    Why risk the general for such a minor procedure?

  3. EagleMorph

    EagleMorph Member

    I've had a lot of work done on my mouth, including my wisdom teeth, so I've been through just about every form of pain management. Localized injections, gas, knocked out...

    I did not have any impacted wisdom teeth, but I have a small jaw/mouth, so they had to come out. Because of the size of my mouth and my experience with past procedures, where I was awake and had injections, I asked to be knocked out.

    Best decision ever. Got to sleep, didn't have to worry about the sounds (which, believe me, you'll hear well over your IPod), and was able to move on from there.
  4. Monday Morning Sportswriter

    Monday Morning Sportswriter Well-Known Member

    I'm all for just manning up and getting in and out.

    And then I realized that if you're getting four out at a time, that's a whole lot of needles. Including the ones in the roof of the mouth. Three shots per tooth, as I remember it. Of course, I got them out one at a time.
  5. Smash Williams

    Smash Williams Well-Known Member

    Does knocking out really mean a full general? I took it to mean Valium or some other sedating/memory-loss causing drug. I didn't think they did general anesthesia for wisdom teeth unless there were serious problems.
  6. JackReacher

    JackReacher Well-Known Member

    The full deal, yes.
  7. Wenders

    Wenders Well-Known Member

    Yeah, they gave me an IV and I was down for the count. It felt great - a 45-minute deep nap and I didn't have to hear any noises. I'm fairly sure if I wasn't knocked out, they would have had to hold me down.
  8. Iron_chet

    Iron_chet Well-Known Member

    I don't think anyone should get a general anasthetic unless absolutely neccessary. It is hard on your system and generally not that great for you (that being said neither is red meat and I love that!)

    I worked as an operating room orderly on and off for 4 years while travelling and going to school where I quicly learned not all doctors, anaesthatists included, are created equal.
  9. When I was really little like 4 I had a surgery on my ears they knocked me out and I was crazy. I do not remember at all but I was supposedly trying to bite the doctor, and was throwing stuff.
  10. Football_Bat

    Football_Bat Well-Known Member

    Full surgery for mine, or at least it seemed like it. Luckily it was all at Uncle Sugar's expense.
  11. JackReacher

    JackReacher Well-Known Member

    So yeah, it's a done deal. Wasn't nearly as simple as the doctor originally said, but it was still relatively pain-free. First one popped out in like 20 seconds, maybe less. Cake. Second one was a little bastard; took about 8-10 minutes. Third and final one was a bastard, too; took maybe 5-7 minutes.

    Very little actual pain, but my comfort level was at about a 3 all the way through. Lots and lots of pressure; the doctor pushing and pulling on these damn things until they popped loose.

    But it's over, and I'm glad I went with the local instead of getting knocked out. Felt great after the procedure. Left, got some money painkillers and have been icing my face and removing/replacing gause for the last couple hours. I can see why so many people are addicted to painkillers.

    Shouldn't be much swelling as long as I do the ice 20 min on, 20 min off today and tomorrow. Lots of pudding, mashed potatoes and sketti O's in my future this weekend.

    Back to work Tuesday.
  12. 93Devil

    93Devil Well-Known Member


    Oh really. What kind? Codeine, Vicodin, Percoset, Etanol, Oxicotin, Palidone.
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