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With this Dumbass in Chief, can the world last another 26 months?

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by Columbo, Nov 28, 2006.

  1. OK, my turn to chime in.

    First, Bush should be tried for murder. Immediately. Thousands upon thousands (don't forget about innocent non-American civilians) of first-degree murders. Because that's what he's done.

    Second, I won't say the 2000 election has caused the world irreparable damages. However, I'd say they'd be very difficult to correct in the span of any of our lifetimes. None of us -- save from heaven or hell -- will ever see the country in as good of shape as it was when Clinton left the White House again.

    Third, I have a feeling that everything that's happening is exactly what Bush wants. My gut tells me he knows what he's doing. He's got so many secrets down there, it's unbelievable, and I truly believe, some day, our profession will dig it all up. He simply sees us as obstacles and will continue as long as he can. He did what it took to get a ton of people to adore him for his first term and enough to get a second term. Since he won't get a third term, he frankly couldn't care less about the citizens anymore.
  2. pallister

    pallister Guest

    Good God.
  3. Chi City 81

    Chi City 81 Guest

    Did you just drop a Blondie reference?
  4. Columbo

    Columbo Active Member

    Out of control spending....

    Gas prices through the roof.....

    The moves toward meat-cleaving the Constitution under his watch.....

    Debasement of the U.S.'s reputation among the rest of the world, as Bush is, by far the dumbest person to have held the position and embarrasses himself every time he opens his fucking yap....

    A war that was started based on greed and lies and is now a tinder box, with the world's welfare in the balance.....

    I'll stand by agreeing with the original post.
  5. Ben_Hecht

    Ben_Hecht Active Member

    I said "may", Mighty. "May".


    But the evidence already in, is fairly damning.

    And the jury isn't smiling.

    Defend what this joker's "accomplished", rationally . . . c'mon.

    The stakes are too damn high, now.

    The man's in his own private, fantasy world.

    I didn't buy this ticket.

    And neither did hundreds of millions of other sober, rational people . . . around the world.
  6. The only one I'll grant you there is Buchanan, and he didn't mire the country in a war based on lies and candy-coated nonsense fed to him by a bunch of think-tank fantasts, and he didn't assert a doctrine of executive power that flies in the face of every advance in democratic government since Magna Carta, and he didn't think he was here, personally, to "protect" all of us, whom he believes are the equivalent of 12-year old children, according to his former chief of staff, and Buchanan didn't lose an entire American city on his watch.
    All JB did was kick what was probably an inevitable internal bloodbath down the road a ways.
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