I don't own it, but if it were available on CD (or Itunes), I, too, would own When the Rain Begins to Fall. Ragu, if you hadn't mentioned it, I would never have admitted it. Like Mizzou, I've sold off most of my embarrassments, although since all I could get for Spin Doctors' Pocket Full of Kryptonite was 50 cents, I still have it. My collection currently also includes the following gems: -Billy Idol - Charmed Life -Billy Idol - Vital Idol (includes astonishingly embarrassing remixes!) -Air Supply's Greatest Hits (bought for me by a friend as a joke, but somehow never thrown out) -Stuttering John's first album (so far SportsJournalists.com has accounted for 2 of the 1,000 copies sold) and...an unopened cassette of what has to be Lawrence Hilton-Jacobs' only album. Yes, Freddie "Boom Boom" Washington fancied himself a singer.
You guys aren't even trying hard. I have the Slim Whitman Christmas Album. No, I'm not making that up.
I've been mulling this one over all day. When I was the reviews editor of a small music mag back in 1987-88 I used to get tons of albums. Most of them were shit (but we reviewed them so the stuff would keep coming) and I gassed those so that doesn't count. Of the ones I bought, I'd have to say 78 In The Shade, an awful last gasp from the Small Faces, and I'm pretty sure I have a copy of the Knack's second album, ....But The Little Girls Understand, that received the most vicious review I ever read in Rolling Stone from Dave Marsh.