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Wow, when you think it can't get any stupider. Bush strikes again

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by JayFarrar, Jul 18, 2006.

  1. DyePack

    DyePack New Member

    Seems relevant to me. You can't get over the fact your last two candidates blew their campaigns, so you have to reach back to an impeached president who left office almost six years ago.
  2. dog428

    dog428 Active Member

    We're talking about a president acting like a president. The current one can't seem to pull it off. And I compared him to the previous one.

    I know your only goal here is to follow every one of my posts with some hilarious or witty comments, but you'd probably be aided in those attempts if you were to actually READ THE DAMN THREADS.

    It's an absolute shame that I'm having to hand out this advice. I mean, after the hundreds of failed attempts, it would occur to most people that maybe a different approach was warranted. But not you. No sir, not sauronseye/polo/dyepack. You just keep banging out the same old ignorant bullshit, making yourself look like a bigger dumbass every time. And that's quite an accomplishment, by the way. You were already way up on the dumbass list as it was.

    It is a little sad for everyone, though, because we know the deep sense of satisfaction you feel as you hit that "post" button on one of these ignorant posts. It's like we're laughing at a handicapped kid who keeps falling down.
  3. dooley_womack1

    dooley_womack1 Well-Known Member

    Well, let's use the common sense rule. She hasn't been in power long, so it's pretty safe to assume there's not a shoulder-rub relationship. And even if there was, it's not a statesmanlike thing to do. And the look on her face, common sense would tell you, is nothing but a horrified one.
  4. You're saying the first time they met was when she took office? She's been in conservative circles in Germany for quite a while. Might not be such a short-term relationship.

    "Not a statesman-like thing to do"? Yeah, come to think of it, if he did an intern in the Oval Office, that would have been much more statesman-like ...

    The look could be shock -- surprise -- whatever. I suppose if you want to believe something badly enough, you'll rationalize the hell out of it. What you call common sense, I call an assumption.

    Repeat after me: When you assume, you make an ... (didn't you ever see this on The Odd Couple?)
  5. Herbert Anchovy

    Herbert Anchovy Active Member


    Yeah. She really looks like it's no big thing.
  6. dog428

    dog428 Active Member

    I like this part. Actually made me laugh.

    Sort of like saying, "Hey, that guy being robbed at the ATM machine, the look on his face ... you could interpret that a lot of different ways: Surprise, shock, fear. Could be anything. Don't know how you can chastise the robber since we really don't know what the victim's facial expressions mean."
  7. DyePack

    DyePack New Member

    I guess that's like a president obstructing justice by lying under oath, failing to uphold the responsibilities of the executive branch, and questioning the definition of a two-letter word.

    I hope that never happens in this nation's history.
  8. Ace

    Ace Well-Known Member

    Yeah, a globe-trotting statesman like W probably had been to Germany a dozen times or so. Probably started vacationing in Berlin while governor of Texas.

  9. Peace and prosperity were such a bitch.
    Hope that never happens again.

    UPDATE -- The greatest hits package.
  10. Columbo

    Columbo Active Member

    You dumb-fucking-ass voters aren't any good in coming through in the clutch.

    Blood on your hands.... a whole lot of it.
  11. Songbird

    Songbird Well-Known Member

    But did someone go Brown Bunny on him?
  12. Arrogance personified.
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