People everywhere are going to boo when the star player is walked. I was at a Cards game last April, and they booed when the Nats walked Pujols to get to Edmonds. Sound baseball decision... best fans in baseball boo. If it happens in St. Louis, it'll happen anywhere.
The area surrounding Wrigley, called Wrigleyville I believe, is a joy to view before the game. Wrigley literally feels like its a ballpark right in the middle of a neighborhood. Great feeling.
I loved my experience at Wrigley, though I've only been once as a teenager. I'm trying to see 1-2 parks a year I haven't seen yet. This year it's New Busch and Yankee Stadium. Of the 9-10 I've been to, Wrigley Field wins for atmosphere. Kauffman Stadium wins for beauty. PETCO Park is my favorite new one (though I've only seen three built after Camden Yards started the revolution). Metrodome is the worst. What a piece.
I need to get back to Wrigley. Haven't seen a game there since 1990, when a friend and I made a three-day trip to Chicago to see two games at Wrigley and two games at the old Comiskey Park (in its final season). Wrigley is my favorite park. Yankee Stadium is No. 2. Jacobs Field or Citizens Bank Park would be No.3. Fenway would be near the bottom of my list.
This guy enjoyed Wrigley Field and the Caray statue a little too much. Be sure to watch until the 2:20 mark.
Here's why they built a statue to Harry Caray. pre-Harry: terrible attendance, and those who went were often drawn from society's dregs, as Lee Elia could tell you. post-Harry: Sellouts as far as the eye can see Caray, thanks to Channel 9 and nothing else to compete against it but soap operas, for years enthusiastically sold Wrigley as a great place to hang out no matter what the score. The gentrification of Lakeview helped quite a bit, too, although Harry practically sold the neighborhood, too, at a time when it wasn't much. No announcer has even meant as much to a team's bottom line as Harry Caray did to the Cubs'.
I guess it would have been nice to have grabbed some property in Wrigleyville in the pre-Harry era...
I love Wrigley. I love the Cubbies. I love baseball. I love the full-sized Cubbie pencil you get when you buy a scorecard. But I hate - fucking hate - the 20-something chickies who dress up for a baseball game like it's a fucking fashion show. High heels at a ball game? Itty-bitty shirt that shows crack and muffin top when they sit down in those low-rise jeans. Except they don't sit down much - they're too busy making everyone stand up in the middle of a play so they can go back and forth to the beer stands. When they return with beer, they spill it on you because they can't hold onto multiple cups with four-inch fake nails. Then when they are seated, they either yap into their cell phones or yap to their boyfriends because they are bored. They are incapable of shutting the fuck up and watching the game in progress. These fashionistas give female sports fans a bad name and annoy the fuck out of me, almost to the point where I hate going to games. I know they're everywhere, but it's especially bad at Wrigley.