By the way, does anyone know the backstory for this guy? The only definitive thing I've found that he is NOT among a group of anti-war pranksters who led a rally in Milwaukee. (One of the urban myths that has grown up around him.)
I've never been to the Metrodome, but Tropicana Field is pretty awful. But I'd imagine they both pale in comparison to the now-departed Kingdome.
You guys aren't seeing the forest for the trees. Maybe he didn't like Erin "Joanie" Moran from Happy Days? Or ex-Packers offensive lineman Rich Moran? Or ex-Bills defensive lineman Sean Moran? Or Lord Moran, Winston Churchill's physician? By the way, if you Google up Moran, Erin Moran doesn't even turn up on the first page. Sad. Very sad indeed.
Ah wrigley... first game I ever saw there was in college, I saw next to Terry Boers... maybe that explains why I'm also a cynical prick..
I dunno about Wrigley. Oh, don't get me wrong, it's a beautiful ballpark. I just wonder a lot of times if the fans that are there are really fans of the game or they're just "fans" thinking it's a cool place to hang out. The sun's out, the beer's cold... and what are those guys doing in uniforms? How come one of them is standing on a hill of dirt? Lately, I've preferred Comiskey for the baseball. It's much better now than what it was when it opened. It ain't ambience, that's for sure...
i thought the kingdome was a fun place to watch a game. the best? hell no. but it had it's (concrete) charm. ... football? not so much.
Here's a guy who will tell you about Cubs fans:
I wasn't a really big fan of Yankee Stadium. I went in about 1998 and it seemed really run down. The old Tiger Stadium was in much, much better shape. Comerica's nice, but I really miss that place.