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You know that you're old school if you can....

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by boots, Jun 3, 2007.

  1. DanOregon

    DanOregon Well-Known Member

    Remember when those Krofft Saturday morning shows were deemed good. Dr. Shrinker, Electra Woman and Dynagirl and Bigfoot and Wildboy et. all. I had my niece and nephew over today and plopped in a Krofft DVD I was given as a joke gift from a friend. My niece and nephew ages 7 and 10 said they were stupid and boring. I had to agree. The pre-Star Wars special effects were pathetic.

    and Sluggo a couple of Christmases ago I saw they brought Super Toe back and I bought one. I'm sure we've already mentioned the Evel Kneivel stunt bike with the "charger" you wound and would scrape your knuckles on the ground.
  2. Herbert Anchovy

    Herbert Anchovy Active Member

    I remember my sister having a Swatch phone.

    Watching Hee Haw -- and being entertained
  3. pallister

    pallister Guest

    Claudell Washington, Glenn Hubbard, Bob Horner, Roland Office, etc.
  4. John Medeiros

    John Medeiros Member

    *Remember paying $3 to get into Fenway or $8 to sit at the glass at the Spectrum.
    *Pinball was five balls per game and two games for a quarter.
    *Playing Magnavision, with the plastic sheets you taped over your television screen to play what was really pong.
    *FNN Score when cable first came out, and they would swipe live feeds from local broadcasts and show them.
    *Gene Hart calling Philly games and Bill Chadwick doing Ranger games.
    *Captain Noah and His Magical Ark, Romper Room, Wonderama.
    *It was never too cold or too hot to play outside. We played tackle football in a parking lot and called the pavement Astroturf.
    *Afternoon playoff games in MLB, and there were only four teams in the playoffs.
    *The Not Ready for Prime Time Players.
    *Players wore the number the team gave them.
    *Watching the ABA, the WFL and the WHA.
    *Not wearing BoBos

    Far too much fun, Boots. Thanks.
  5. Steve Trosky

    Steve Trosky New Member

    Terrific thread...

    I'm not as old as some here, but I'm getting there, slowly but surely.

    You know you're getting old if you remember:

    -- When Laverne, Shirley and Mork debuted (separately) on Happy Days
    -- The Afterschool Special on ABC every Wednesday.
    -- B-b-b-benny and the Jets
    -- Olivia Newton John getting Physical
    -- 8-track tapes
    -- Feathered hair
    -- "Baseball" with a big rubber ball, bouncing it off the edge of a curb and "hitting" as many homers in a row as possible
    -- Smear the queer (think football, youngens), pickle and kick the can
    -- The Hippy Dippy Weatherman
    -- Fridays (late night entertainment show)
    -- Using pica poles and photo wheels. Pagination? What's that?
    -- When calculators were the size of a shoebox
    -- Those 1/4-1/2 inch push buttons on the car radio, AM only
    -- When air conditioning in the car meant rolling down the windows
    -- KISS cards (my younger brother found $20 and spent every dime on KISS cards. They were a quarter a pack.)
    -- YOU were the remote
    -- The thrill of victory... and the agony of defeat (as the downhill skier bites it)
    -- Creature Feature
    -- Nightstalker
    -- Tony Atlas
    -- Mikey likes it!
    -- One flavor of Cherrios
    -- The eight or nine different uniforms worn by the Pirates in the same season
    -- The White Sox wearing shorts and collared shirts
    -- Ginger or Maryanne debates
    -- New episodes of the Flintstones
    -- Pez
    -- Jane, you ignorant slut
    -- Rosanna Rosannadanna
    -- The only way to send written correspondence was to put it in an envelope and attach a stamp (remember it going from 10 to 12 cents. My parents weren't too happy.)
    -- Record players, with three speeds
    -- Thurman Munson

    And later..

    -- Vans (thanks, Spiccoli)
    -- Members Only jackets
    -- Silk shirts with starbursts
    -- Max Headroom
    -- 35 cent tacos at Taco Bell
    -- For that matter, the taco supreme

    That's probably way too much. Sorry.
  6. 93Devil

    93Devil Well-Known Member

    I hate raw tomatoes on any sandwich, and I knew that Micky Ds did not have them on any sandwich so I was safe when I went there. Then the McDLT came along. I told a kid at the drive threw once that I could rememeber when Micky Ds did not have a tomato in the store.

    Does anyone remember when Burger King actually threatened Ronald crown for top fast food?
  7. Huggy

    Huggy Well-Known Member

    ....if you can remember when McDonald's didn't serve breakfast.

    ....if you can remember when CB radios were all the rage.

    All the talk of Super Toe and the Evel Knievel bike reminds me of Big Jim and his Baja Beast.

    Steve T, great call on Fridays. It was a lousy show but they got great musical guests like the Cars when SNL was parading shit like the Amazing Rhythm Aces. Wasn't Michael Richards on that show?
  8. Songbird

    Songbird Well-Known Member

    If you can remember waking up at 7 a.m. on Saturday to watch claymation Davey and Goliath (DAY-VEEEEEEEEE!) followed by That's Cat ("Can you find Me in this picture?), and then an hour of the roller derby. Oh, how everybody hated my vaunted T-Birds, including that goddamn whore Miss Georgia Haas, who needed a deep-dicking in the worst of ways.
  9. Huggy

    Huggy Well-Known Member

    Roller derby was fucking awesome. John Hall, Harold Jackson, Ralphie Valederra, Danny O'Reilly, Skinny Minnie Miller, Paul (The Bear) Rupert, Frankie Marcedo, Darlene Langlois De La Chappelle. Legends, all of them. Georgia Haas was one of the great heels ever, the Bobby Heenan of roller derby.
  10. For me, it was Dime Beer at the local campus dive, 4-7, every Friday night.

    And, for Red Sawx fans only -- the Elaine May-Mike Nichols cartoon commercials for Narragansett Lager Beer. The Parakeet Bar still rocks.
  11. Football_Bat

    Football_Bat Well-Known Member

    I lived on McDLTs all through the late 80s ... then I went to Europe and they were gone when I came back.

    I NEVER got tired of them. Ever ever ever.
  12. boots

    boots New Member

    Remember Pro Keds and Beta Bullets
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