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You know that you're old school if you can....

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by boots, Jun 3, 2007.

  1. The cast of Fridays also featured Melanie Chartoff, who, if I recall correctly, was one of George's girlfriends on Seinfield (either the one where he eats the eclair out of the garbage or the one where he goes to the kids birthday party and knocks everyone out of the way escaping the fire).

    Fridays also featured Andy Kaufman in its later seasons. The infamous incident where Kaufman went out of character in the middle of a sketch and got in a fight with the crew occurred on the show. Michael Richards was also in that same sketch.
    There was a great Andy Kaufman tribute on NBC around '94-'95 (several years before Jim Carrey made Man In the Moon) that featured most of the classic Kaufman TV moments including the aforementioned Fridays sketch, the Jerry Lawler brawl on Letterman, and Kaufman's talk show (where he was seated literally about six FEET higher than his guests).

    Most of the Hanna Barbera shows are available on DVD. Unfortunately for you, Scooby's All-Star Laff-A-Lympics is not amongst them.
  2. Huggy

    Huggy Well-Known Member

    Wow, Penelope Pitstop is a name from the past!

    Anyone else remember the Grape Ape?
  3. EStreetJoe

    EStreetJoe Well-Known Member

    Are you old enough to remember....

    - Racing around on Big Wheels before the Green Machine came out
    - The phrase "Where's the Beef" cracking everyone up
    - "Wonder Twin powers, activate"
    - Using the phrase "Kiss My Grits"
    - Betamax
    - Cable boxes with three rows of numbers and needing to flip the switch to get the next row of channels
    - when Jordache jeans were popular
    - when wearing an Izod with the collar up was cool
    - Pong
    - When the Atari 7800 came out, replacing the 2600
    - Plaid being a popular childhood color
    - riding in the back of a stationwagon, facing the cars behind you
    - CB radios being popular
    - pumping your arm to get a trucker to blow his horn
    - the wave of games that came out after Rubik's Cube -- the Snake, etc.
    - When John Mellencamp went by John Cougar
  4. EStreetJoe

    EStreetJoe Well-Known Member

    Grape Ape was great.

    Anyone remember the other cartoon with Dick Dastardly and Mutley -- Dick Dastardly and Mutley and their Flying Machines ... with "Stop that Pigeon"

    For the Wacky Races fans:
  5. Tom Petty

    Tom Petty Guest

  6. EStreetJoe

    EStreetJoe Well-Known Member

    Asteroids was good, but I liked Defender better (even though I was better at Asteroids)
  7. Tom Petty

    Tom Petty Guest

    defender, shit. good call.
  8. rallen13

    rallen13 Member

    Pinky Lee.
    SAoupy Sales.
    Woody the Woodpecker half-size comics books at the Poll Parrot Shoe Store.
    The green x-ray machine in the shoe department at Sears so you could see where your toes were in the end of your shoes.
    Automatic coin wrappers that had the little window hole to show you how much you had of which coin.
    MUNTZ Tv's that had the "halo light". a flourescent light around the picture tube.
    NBC Red and NBC Blue.
    The Crosley Network.
    The Mutual Network's baseball game of the day on Saturdays.
    Friday night fights on radio with Don Dunphy doing the blow-by-blow.
    Walter Cronkite's TV show, "You Are There".
    Gillette Blue Baldes.
    Widroot Cream Oil.
    Burma-Shave Signs. (My favorite was: Free!Free!
    A trip to Mars.
    For 500
    Empty jars!
    "Burma Shave!"
    Annette and Bobby, Cubby and Karen.
    "I'm Back in the Saddle Again".
    "Happy Trails to You".
    The Durango Kid

    OH, GOD, I'm soooooooooooooooooooooooooo old!!!
  9. Football_Bat

    Football_Bat Well-Known Member

    Your mother collecting S&H Green Stamps at Piggly Wiggly.
  10. JR

    JR Well-Known Member

    Hey, we had those up here as well.

    My mother kept the books up to date religiously. Got a great set of steak knives I remember.
  11. finishthehat

    finishthehat Active Member

    My wife would see that and raise you a Mark Spitz with his seven gold medals (or 8, or whatever it was.)
  12. EStreetJoe

    EStreetJoe Well-Known Member

    do you remember:

    - the year ABC used Orleans' "Still the One" as its theme song in its network promo to showcase all of its shows?
    - Battle of the Network Stars
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