I have accepted it as permanent. It was damaged when I was in a car wreck in 2007 and suffered a blowout fracture of my eye socket. My wife was much more seriously injured, in ICU for a month afterward. Anyhow, between her being in the hospital, my not quite understanding the implications, and delays for getting more imaging and the Christmas/New Years holidays, by the time in went to surgery my torn eye muscles had healed into a knot. The surgeon tried to tease them apart but was not successful. I saw two other eye surgeons including the department head at UAB and the best offer I got was "I can do three surgeries and get you to the point where you have standard binocular vision as long as you look straight ahead and don't move your head or your eyes".
I knew what eye surgery was like by then, and I passed. I live with it pretty well mostly. There are a few things that I simply can't do any more. Shooting pool is out. Shooting guns is difficult but possible if I had to. Depth perception is not an issue driving, but it's a pain to do any sort of close in detail work. I'm nearsighted, and I get my best overall vision with the patch and a contact lens, but the lens makes anything close hard and reading all but impossible - which leads to me pushing up the eyepatch, closing my good eye, and reading with the bad eye, which earns me some very odd looks from time to time.
Most of the time anymore I wear glasses or when around the house I go uncorrected. My brain has learned to mostly disregard the feed from my right eye. It's a PITA but livable.
Shrug. Could have been a helluva lot worse. My wife suffered far worse injury than I did.