Recent content by Beach_Bum

  1. B

    Palm Beach doings

    D'Angelo can't be happy, but I bet Nelson isn't either. That guy worked his way up from preps to cover FAU from the beginning of that program. Now he's bumped back to preps based solely on buyout roulette.
  2. B

    Seriously, what if newspapers did this?

    I have long advocated partnership with cable companies. The major newspaper chains should be banding together and striking deals with the major cable companies. Newspapers have to find a way to get a subscription price for Internet access hidden into a cable bill. The cable companies would get...
  3. B

    Sporting News Today thread (what do you think?)

    Hate to say this but I think it's too traditional. Also, they needed a cover story today with the launch that would have had all of America talking. I didn't see it. But I am rooting for them to succeed. Some good people on that staff.
  4. B

    'Newspapers should stop slumming as blogs and disallow comments.'

    Reader comments on newspaper sites are the No. 1 indicator that this nation is doomed. If we are that desperate for clicks, we should stop wasting time on news stories that appeal to the lowest-common denominator and instead put photo galleries of girls [cheerleaders] in shorts, bikinis...
  5. B

    Thinking out loud ...

    I say again, partner with the cable companies and other ISPs. Get a flat fee built into the cable bill, similar to the current tiers or premium services. The (ISPs) get a cut and access to exclusive news content to bolster their own sites. Everyone gets better advertising reach. And...
  6. B

    Thinking out loud ...

    I've always wondered why the major newspaper companies didn't tackle pay-for-content by cutting deals with the internet service providers such as the major cable or telephone companies.
  7. B

    Help on college sports revenues/expenses

    Yes, when the dollars match exactly, it's a pretty good sign that discretionary funds were transferred to cover a deficit.
  8. B

    Help on college sports revenues/expenses

    EADA. The numbers can be very misleading. They are good for getting total budget numbers and the breakdown of how money is spent, but the revenues are tricky. There is no uniform policy for how the schools report; for this, they can count subsidy as "revenue" if...
  9. B

    A theory on the trouble at metros

    If the price of oil continues to climb, that day is coming faster than anyone realizes.
  10. B

    It's gonna get worse.

    If gas rises to $9 or $10 a gallon, you won't have to worry about newspapers because there will be none. Not printed newspapers, anyway. It would no longer be cost effective to print and, in particular, to distribute. Forget the internet killing off the print product. The gas pumps will do it...
  11. B

    It's gonna get worse.

    Hot housing market.
  12. B

    Best Movie Ending of All-Time?

    I like the end of Glory, where they storm the fort and you think they're going to win until they run into the cannon ... And I second the last scene from Pulp Fiction and the very underrated True Romance -- though the best scene in that movie is in the middle (Dennis Hopper).
  13. B

    10 Most Annoying Things People Do on the Golf Course.

    1) People who quote lines from or do impersonations from Caddyshack. 2) Ditto from Tin Cup. 3) Or Happy Gilmore. Godawful annoying. Stopped being funny about the third time. And someone should beat the crap out of the next Mr. "Get in the Hole!" asshole who screams that on a drive off a...
  14. B

    Post-Dispatch SE (big surprise, right?)

    The position has been open since the end of October.
  15. B

    PM vs. AM

    We all work for PM papers. Our Web sites are our AM papers. All of us just haven't realized this yet. :)