Recent content by fromdawntodesk

  1. F

    With Reilly's exit, the column in the back of SI goes to ...

    1. Settle down. The guy has bad teeth. SI made it look like he has a perfect set of pearly whites. All I'm saying, albeit with emphasis, is that it's misrepresentative. 2. I'm gorgeous.
  2. F

    With Reilly's exit, the column in the back of SI goes to ...

    Anybody notice how they fixed King's teeth in his mug? In reality, the guy has some of the nastiest looking shredders this side of Sloth from "Goonies."
  3. F

    I spy with my former eye ...

    Check out the wire photo tonight of the Chicago Sky's Chasity Melvin -- if you've eaten dinner already, that is. Oh. My. forking. God. Her quote after having her eyeball pretty much spooned out by an opponent: “I really feel like I’m going to have nightmares. It was kind of traumatizing. I...
  4. F

    Barry Bonds headlines (real ones)

    This story is NOT about a home run. And it's NOT about whether Barry Bonds did, in fact, take steroids, although his well-documented admission to using substances widely known as the clear and the cream sure suggest he did. 756 was about a record, perhaps the greatest record in sports, a record...
  5. F

    Sports Editor, Idaho Falls, ID

    What's the latest here?
  6. F

    Official fantasy baseball sleeper thread

    Depends what kind of league you're in. In a 5x5 rotisserie with around 15 teams, Uggla in the fourth/fifth round is defensible -- unless you're predicting a dramatic dropoff. Add up his hits, HRs, runs, RBI and SBs -- only Utley had a greater total among 2Bs, and it's a long way to third place...
  7. F

    Atlanta to cut 80 newsroom jobs

    By Leon Lazaroff Feb. 15 (Bloomberg) — The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, the largest newspaper in the Southeastern U.S., plans to restructure its newsgathering and eliminate 80 newsroom jobs to shift to a 24-hour news cycle. The newspaper plans to create more positions focused on the Internet...
  8. F

    Greatest comeback ever?

    If the fact a Super Bowl was on the line outweighs the point differential, the fact Frank Reich was at QB, not Jim Kelly, outweighs the stakes. Fair?
  9. F

    Greatest comeback ever?

    Be honest here. Did you actually WATCH the Bills-Oilers game? Not just the highlights. I mean all the way through. It's really not even close. Peyton comes from 18 down in the last 10 minutes, get back to us.
  10. F

    Damn Colts! Go Colts!

    That hurts, especially coming from someone who, on this board, generally ranks somewhere between "testicular fungus" and "pond scum" on both the likability and intelligence scales.
  11. F

    Bears vs. Colts: Super Bowl XLI running thread

    Early guess: Colts 45, Bears -7. At least Saints-Pats would have had SOME intrigue.
  12. F

    Damn Colts! Go Colts!

    Right. Because Drew Brees is Peyton Manning.
  13. F

    Damn Colts! Go Colts!

    Reason to hate this AFC result: - We're left to watch the insufferable Peyton Manning pick apart Chicago in what will no doubt be the most lopsided Super Bowl in at least a decade. Reason to like this AFC result: - We won't have to watch the insufferable, pimple-faced Belichick boys roaming...
  14. F

    Broncos cornerback killed in drive-by