Recent content by henryhenry

  1. H

    A Mediocre Post About Nick Saban

    mediocre might be too kind...
  2. H

    Tom Verducci PEDs column: Should SI be disclosing?

    is this the first thread on verducci's conflict? seems like it would have been aired out already.
  3. H

    Lipsyte's first ombud column is up

    Lipsyte extended himself. He picked a complex topic. Interviewed a lot of people. Plunged into areas of coverage that are subtle and not easily articulated. The point is, if ESPN is going to do journalism -- and not just sports coverage or sports journalism -- it needs to raise its game...
  4. H

    Grantland so far

    "overwritten and pretentious" from grantland:
  5. H

    SMG interviews Bob Lipsyte

    now he's the WWL ombudsman. so what is he going to say about the layoffs?
  6. H

    Spencer Hall tackles Dan Wetzel and Sports Is Serious logic

    brilliant. this guy needs to move beyond sports.
  7. H

    does anyone else just f'n hate live tweeting?

    i know of a reporter who is seeing a shrink because of tweeting. he can't sleep. gets up to tweet in the middle of the night. obsesses about being beaten by a tweet - even on live coverage of games. told the shrink that he's depressed by the 24/7 relentlessness of it all.
  8. H

    hockey writers during the lockout...

    Fluto Shinzawa seems happy enough.
  9. H

    Simmons on sports writing

    what strikes me about these e-mails is how narrow simmons is. he tends to turn everything back toward the nba.
  10. H

    Barnicle story on Grantland

    you wish you were clever enough to write "Done. Career should be over."
  11. H

    Barnicle story on Grantland

    You're the guy who wrote: "Done. Career should be over." Now you don't seem so sure: "Whether or not he works thereafter..." What happened? Did your knee jerk so hard it knocked some compassion into you?
  12. H

    Barnicle story on Grantland

    i guess that makes Bill Simmons soft on crime. a wimp. journalism is no place for wimps. it's for manly men who pronounce "death penalty" with boldness and conviction.
  13. H

    Barnicle story on Grantland

    the point is that there are shades of gray each circumstance is different one size fits all is a knee jerk you don't have to think or parse. lazy justice.
  14. H

    Barnicle story on Grantland

    poynter's take