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  1. H

    A Mediocre Post About Nick Saban

    mediocre might be too kind...
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    Tom Verducci PEDs column: Should SI be disclosing?

    is this the first thread on verducci's conflict? seems like it would have been aired out already.
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    Lipsyte's first ombud column is up

    Lipsyte extended himself. He picked a complex topic. Interviewed a lot of people. Plunged into areas of coverage that are subtle and not easily articulated. The point is, if ESPN is going to do journalism -- and not just sports coverage or sports journalism -- it needs to raise its game...
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    Grantland so far

    "overwritten and pretentious" from grantland:
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    SMG interviews Bob Lipsyte

    now he's the WWL ombudsman. so what is he going to say about the layoffs?
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    Spencer Hall tackles Dan Wetzel and Sports Is Serious logic

    brilliant. this guy needs to move beyond sports.
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    does anyone else just f'n hate live tweeting?

    i know of a reporter who is seeing a shrink because of tweeting. he can't sleep. gets up to tweet in the middle of the night. obsesses about being beaten by a tweet - even on live coverage of games. told the shrink that he's depressed by the 24/7 relentlessness of it all.
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    hockey writers during the lockout...

    Fluto Shinzawa seems happy enough.
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    Simmons on sports writing

    what strikes me about these e-mails is how narrow simmons is. he tends to turn everything back toward the nba.
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    Barnicle story on Grantland

    you wish you were clever enough to write "Done. Career should be over."
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    Barnicle story on Grantland

    You're the guy who wrote: "Done. Career should be over." Now you don't seem so sure: "Whether or not he works thereafter..." What happened? Did your knee jerk so hard it knocked some compassion into you?
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    Barnicle story on Grantland

    i guess that makes Bill Simmons soft on crime. a wimp. journalism is no place for wimps. it's for manly men who pronounce "death penalty" with boldness and conviction.
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    Barnicle story on Grantland

    the point is that there are shades of gray each circumstance is different one size fits all is a knee jerk you don't have to think or parse. lazy justice.
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    Barnicle story on Grantland

    poynter's take
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    Barnicle story on Grantland

    could be because barnicle's fabrications were harmless - no victims - and theirs weren't but probably because barnicle's wife is a powerful exec at bank america
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    Barnicle story on Grantland

    "Cardinal sins". another pope from the 16th century speaks. spare us the rigid moralism - the doctor, cop and stock broker committed financial conflict of interest - like when reporters take free tickets or meals - or "co-author" books with athletes or or coaches they're supposedly reporting...
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    Barnicle story on Grantland

    The issue is credibility. Is Barnicle credible? Bill Simmons thinks he is. MSNBC thinks he is. For awhile, the NY Daily News used him. In the 14 years since he left the Globe he has continued to work in journalism. There have been no other incidents. Otherwise, do you think Simmons would have...
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    Barnicle story on Grantland

    Sanctimony from the high priest. all bow before Azrael. He hath spoken. "Done!"
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    Barnicle story on Grantland

    that was in 1998. 14 years. he ripped off a few jokes from george carlin. convicted murderers walk in less than 14 years. plagiarism is not a capital crime. give the guy a break. jeez.