Recent content by Schottey

  1. S

    Sports on Earth writers and editors laid off

    It's funny because it's gone both ways. Both Tanier and Rivers McCown were guys B/R has respected and wanted to come over for a while, but things just didn't link up until recently. That's a function of the fact that B/R's editors tend to be big fans of bringing that kind of writing to the site...
  2. S

    Sports on Earth writers and editors laid off

    Tanier's 1st column at Bleacher Report
  3. S

    Sports Reporter- Palm Coast, FL

    Think I posted the last time this job was posted—and it hasn't been a while—but I'll do so again: *First, the last guy who took this job graduated to a role at The Washington Post (after just a few months) and the guy before him is now the Web Editor for a TV station in Orlando. Not bad omens...
  4. S

    Time Inc. judging writers based on advertsiers

    Read the last paragraph of the OP again and realize the mental gymnastics Gawker took you through. Being "advertiser friendly" is one metric among many. It's not the deciding score, nor is it the only quality being ranked. There is no proof that anyone was fired because they weren't...
  5. S

    Teen in a CFB/NFL Press Box

    I was 19 when I started doing a radio show and covering the Vikings every weekend. The Metrodome had two press boxes, and I was often in the auxiliary press box with the other radio guys and various other random outlets. I have plenty of stories about older guys in stained t-shirts who talked...
  6. S

    Sports on Earth writers and editors laid off

    Everyone lifts their skirt, the methods are just different... Click-whoring is no different than the "if it bleeds it leads" concepts of the height of the print era. People who claim SEO/social strategies are somehow less pure than what papers used to do need to take a step back and realize...
  7. S

    Sports on Earth writers and editors laid off

    Wholeheartedly disagree. Top sites usually have social numbers near/at/above search numbers. Unless you have a huge gateway (Yahoo!) or a ridiculously popular TV station (ESPN) you better have a social presence, and that's far more about Facebook right now even though Twitter is the more popular...
  8. S

    Sports on Earth writers and editors laid off

    1) I feel like a lot of shade is being thrown at SoE as an online startup, but with Gannett people running the biz side and ultimately the Gannett cuts/restructure being the reason SoE was largely shuttered (because their papers weren't turning a profit either) this doesn't really seem like an...
  9. S

    Proper attire for the press box

    Always over-dress your first time covering something. There's zero downside to being dressed better than your peers, even if you're going to eventually conform to slightly-better-than-norm. First time I covered NBA, NFL and MLB I wore shirt, khakis and tie. Eventually lost the tie at MLB and...
  10. S

    For those who do online videos: What's the best camcorder to use?

    Sony cameras are really good. I use a handycam and it works like a dream. Familiarize yourself with the settings and you can shoot in HD and more vibrant colors. It makes the file sizes shoot up to insane numbers, but it's worth it for a professional look. I agree with others that a tripod is...
  11. S

    Best writers to read for a young writer

    When I helped run an internship, I used to ask who their favorite authors were, and 99% of the time it was "Bill Simmons." Worse was when it was some TV/Radio personality that hadn't really written in years. That was always the first thing I tried to change, and a lot of the names on this list...
  12. S

    Here's today's sports hero -- Sid Hartman, who's selling his stuff

    Oh man, Sid's old-school tape recorder with the actual microphone attached by long cord is the only thing I'd want from that estate sale. Will never forget him carrying it around Vikings training camp and rookies seeing that thing for the first time. One of them told me that Vikings PR had a...
  13. S

    Increasing your Twitter following

    It's all about having conversations. In that way, it's not unlike networking in *real* life. Sure there are tricks of the trade, but it comes down to being professional, interesting and engaging. Some people will follow you if they absolutely need your content in their life (and would follow...
  14. S

    Sports Editor- Lake Geneva, WI

    Not to offend anyone, but 20-25K, really? I know the area a little bit, and it's not like Lake Geneva is some bustling metropolis where you can supplement that income with freelance work.
  15. S

    Blogging for free

    The common mantra is always "writers write," and less and less opportunities are available in paid spots right out of college (sorry, Rick Reilly's commencement speech). If the local paper's high school stringer beat is being manned by a 10-year vet, the kid might not have a chance to get his...