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  1. B

    Sports Reporter (Permian Beat Writer) - Odessa, TX

    This is a solid job for someone starting out or someone on the way up. I started out at the OA back in the day, and if you want a high school beat with the workload and the scrutiny of a college beat, Permian is a great chance to make your mark. I covered Odessa High and learned a lot about...
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    Aurora (Ill.) Beacon News, two positions

    I'd think it'd be closer to the lower end of the 30-35K range. For a young journalist, this isn't a bad gig at all. I did some freelance work for these guys a couple years back and I was given a decent amount of latitude then. It seems like there's been some shakeup since then, but you'll have a...
  3. B

    Oh say can you see

    As routine as it has become, you stand for the anthem. What you do (hand/hat over heart, hands behind your back, etc.) is up to you, but you got to stand for the national anthem. What really gets me is when a press box doesn't stand for the national anthem but stands for God Bless America. This...
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    Everything I write is terrible

    I usually think everything is pretty good that I write, sometimes almost to the point of cockiness. I think its important to be confident, though I do like to read the writing of fellow journalists just to get different perspectives on a particular event. Sometimes I think the way I do it is...
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    Who's the celebrity no one finds that hot, but you find REALLY hot?

    I really have no one new to offer (I wholeheartedly agree with Tierney, Cheryl Hines and the chick from the Drew Carey show) so I'll go with one I don't think is hot that most do. Paris Hilton. She looks more like a mannequin (and not the Kim Cattrall-type) than a human in my eyes.
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    Did I miss the memo about ESPN morphing into the YES Network

    It's not that this story was necessarily overdone. It's that everything regarding the New York Yankees is overdone by ESPN. I may be in the minority when I say that I don't give a rat's ass that A-Rod sharted after having a chili dog from a hot dog stand on 53rd street and 4th avenue and that...
  7. B

    Prep reporters, chime in please

    I'm personally a pressbox guy, but if you are writing a sidebar where statistical information isn't necessarily important or if you have another source for it (i.e. another reporter when we used to double-staff the big rivalry game at one of my previous stops) sidelines can be useful. However...
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    The Evolution of Sportscenter

    I think ESPN sucks in general, but in reality, what else is there? Am I going to watch the Best Damn Sports Show? Am I going to watch the local news? No. I still need my sports fix and ESPN is there to fit the bill, whether it annoys me or not. I watch it, but not Sportscenter nearly as much...
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    Athens (Ga.) Banner-Herald

    Now, that's what I call an update. Well done.
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    Press Box fights or screaming matches

    On my first day at my first employer out of college, I was set to cover a Double A baseball game. The guy I was replacing wanted to come with me and introduce me to employees and players for said minor league team. I was cool with that, but after watching the outgoing reporter down four or five...
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    Houston-based stringer here

    To add to what I've already posted, I have been in the business six years, most recently as the assistant sports editor of the Katy Courier. I have covered everything from the World Series to high school softball. I have season passes for the Houston Astros and Houston Dynamo and I will send a...
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    Houston-based stringer here

    If you need an event covered in Houston for any reason, let me know. My e-mail is
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    Flash, I'm sorry that things turned out that way. I find myself in the same position, as I, along with my entire paper, was released this past weekend, when I was on vacation no less. I had seen the writing on the wall so I have a few sticks in the fire right now and hopefully one ignites...
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    two positions, Sun Sentinel

    speaking of the job, is there anything new going on with it? or have the hiring editors fallen victim to the rampant South Florida crime?
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    Athens (Ga.) Banner-Herald

    I'm thinking is the usage of the word 'wart' that is the issue. But I could be wrong.