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    Agreed. I should have asked him to ID himself up front. I just thought the way it was handled was completely slime-ball. The guy ambushes me and clearly has an agenda. I sure as shirt hope I never came off that way in an interview.
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    I am a former newspaper reporter now working as a purchasing agent. I wanted to get some opinions on something that just happened to me. Earlier today, I sent a solicitation out for police vehicle emergency equipment. I received a call a few moments ago from someone asking questions about the...
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    Sports reporter, Traverse City, Michigan

    Slap is on the mark about Mr. Tyree .... worked with him years ago when we were both starting out. Solid, solid journalist. There are few places on the planet that are better than TC in the summer, too.
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    JW goes off on the Rocket

    I think Rob Parker gives him a run for his money, Spnited. If Clemens turns out be as guilty as Bonds, I think both of them will be remembered as the "faces" of the steroid scandal. Their accomplishments on the field dictate as such.
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    JW goes off on the Rocket

    Here's the link, sorry:
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    JW goes off on the Rocket

    Whitlock had me up until the line about "white folks" can't wait to forgive Clemens. My ass, Jason. If Clemens cheated by injecting with steroids and HGH, then he can go straight to the same baseball heck that Bonds should be in. I have zero sympathy for anyone that cheats - white, black, yellow...
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    Why are we still in Iraq?

    Not so much ... not when Americans are being killed nearly every day.
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    Why are we still in Iraq?

    You hit it right on the head, 93Devil. We are there because of oil. That's all this has ever been about. If Saddam and Iraq had been located somewhere without oil interests, we wouldn't have gone in. The rest of the world knows it. Our "establishing democracy in the region" is bullshirt. Even if...
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    Golf Channel: nice choice of words

    Nicely said, Slappy. Was it a poor choice of words? Sure. But all of this has risen to the level of absurdity. I think what Rev. Al fails to grasp is that when you jump all over something like this, it's almost trivalizing the cause. What will happen is that when something real arises...
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    Predictions for 2008

    Tigers win the Series. Edwards is the new President. Michael and Link are both gunned down trying to make their latest escape. William Shatner has a massive heart attack in the middle of filming a Priceline commercial. Zeke finally gets fired ... and Millen doesn't. The Lions still suck ...
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    ESPN's Kevin Nandhini

    Isn't Kevin Nandhini the dude with the creepy eyes? Now that you mention it, ah, yeah.
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    ESPN's Kevin Nandhini

    He is frequently on ESPN news. Seems like a pretty good guy, but the whole shhhtrait thing drives me nuts to the point I have to turn him off.
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    ESPN's Kevin Nandhini

    Okay, so I know we all have our most-hated ESPN personality. And I know it's not nice to pick on people for the way they talk, but I just can't take it anymore. Lets see if I can translate: - SHHHHHH-trait = Strait - Shhhhhell-ebration = Celebration - shhhhack = Sack Ahhhhhhh!!!!!! Alright...
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    Analyst: Gas prices to top $3.75 nationwide this spring

    Nothing is going to change until Bush is out of office. I'm guessing that its not a coincidence that oil companies have enjoyed record profits under his watch while development and mass production of reasonable alternatives to gas-powered vehicles has gone nowhere.
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    "Too sexy for Southwest, perfect for Playboy"

    Can we please stop with the "tastefully done" card? It's a skin mag any way you slice it.
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    Chase Daniel for the Heisman, anyone?

    Daniel has my vote. Sincerely, Scott R. Daniel
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    Anybody Want to Argue Evolution vs "Intelligent Design"?

    I tend to agree with the folks that hold that God and Science aren't mutually exclusive. I think searching for the truth through science will ultimately bring us closer to God, not further away. I think fear and ignorance on the part of religious leaders has kept science out of religion over the...
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    Hot Stove Thread

    Cano is much better than Inge, I agree. Ah, that was silly. The Tigers, I think, are happy with their infield.
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    Hot Stove Thread

    Inge and a pitcher for Robinson Cano. Inge has great range at 3B and the Yankees could use another arm. Polonco goes to 3B for Detroit, a position he has played before decently.
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    Publications Specialist, San Francisco 49ers

    Not a journalism job, but I thought there would be some interest. I saw this ad on Public Relations Society of America's web site ( Publications Specialist Employer: San Francisco 49ers Job Location: Santa Clara, California Date Posted: 10/23/2007 Contact Information: Address...