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    Sports reporter, Los Angeles Times

    this was paul guiterrez's old job. he's now in sacramento. none of the in-house sports writers are being considered, well it makes sense. none of them are fluent in spanish. but don't count on this position going to someone who speaks the language. just read the story below...
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    New York Times is at it again...

    i know mark, too. great guy. i always laugh when folk on here blame writers for every error, because there are times copy editors insert mistakes into stories. it happens. it shouldn't, but it does. mark is a huge hockey fan. too bad his former shop, the los angeles times, is not.
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    Baquet out at L.A. Times

    i told you guys. i heard it the day the new guy took over and posted the info on this board.
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    Whitlock - Burning Down The Pipe

    jason whitlock attacking espn is so predictable, but he's been right on.
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    Jacques f'ing Rogge

    fromdawntodesk, just as much as we need a thread on this.
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    ASE, Miami Herald

    trojanhorse, send senor rojas a critique on how you'll make the herald writers look great. ::)
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    Columnist opening in Orlando

    michelle kaufman, here name is jemele hill, not jamele hill.
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    Columnist opening in Orlando

    yeah, we should never compare. it's not fair. ::)
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    snoop dogg arrested
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    Len Shapiro raises his pimp hand....

    goalmouth, as a journalist, you should learn this stuff, even if you can't raise your pimp hand. ;D
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    Columnist opening in Orlando

    none of espn's page 2 writers compare to mr. page 2, t.j. simers.
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    Columnist opening in Orlando

    rokski, the sentinel didn't cover its tracks. you can pull up the column on if you have an account.
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    Orlando Sentinel temporary copy editing opening

    deputy_dog, you feel threatened by hoppes because he’s a minority?
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    halloween costume ideas?

    football_bat, really? glad you got it.
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    halloween costume ideas?

    wear all black and sport an ipod. you could easily be this for halloween:
  16. D Stadium

    how about "nappy dugout" for softball?
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    Orlando Sentinel temporary copy editing opening

    the desk is vital. where would you put your computer without a desk?
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    Dirty Old Bastards (of Belo) Strike Back!

    those old-timers always throwing the age card.
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    Columnist opening in Orlando

    whitlock must be happy.
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    MLB Playoffs

    valley boy comes up with a big pitch.