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    Confederate flag dispute in Kentucky

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    Seattle ROTC kid blows his leg apart at football game.

    Forget it. He's on a roll.
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    DeBerry steps down at Air Force

    The knees of AFA opponents everywhere breathe a sigh of relief.
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    Conspiracy theorist in me suspects Bush, GOP...

    Sports journalists really oughta stay out of politics. It's like watching a quadratic equation competition at the Special Olympics.
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    LOL!!! Brady Quinn Wins the Maxwell Award

    Hey, you win, Trevor. You obviously have no emotional investment at all. :D
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    LOL!!! Brady Quinn Wins the Maxwell Award

    "joke" "demented" "i'm going to enjoy...obvious defeat." "Every time your Irish step on the field against a big-boy team, they look like the junior varsity." That hate is just gonna eat you up inside, son.
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    LOL!!! Brady Quinn Wins the Maxwell Award

    That hate is just gonna eat you up inside, son.
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    Black? Play football at OSU? Wanna graduate? Good luck with that.

    The worst offender is top-ranked Ohio State. It graduated only 32 percent of its black football players. Its racial gap is the worst of all 64 bowl teams: an astounding 53 percentage points behind the 85 percent for white players...
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    No mention of Unitas Award on

    Stats be damned!!! Anyone who doesn't vote for Smith is a racist!!!!! :lol: Thank you, Bizarro-Mike-Richards.
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    No mention of Unitas Award on

    I'm thinking that news might interfere with the "Smith for Heisman" campaign they've been running all season.
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    Fox slashes OJ interview from schedule

    OK, that was funny. *buzzzzzzzzzzz*
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    Why is Schembechler considered a "great coach"?

    Back to the OP's point, here's Bo's record put another way: @Michigan (1969-1989) Overall Record: 194-48-5 Against Winning teams: 74-46-4 Against Losing teams: 120-2-1 Against Ranked Teams: 26-35-1 Against Top-ten teams 7-26-1 Against Top-six teams 2-18-1 Against Unranked Teams: 168-13-4...
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    UM vs. OSU // Campus-wide email

    Your hatred is amusing.
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    Does the sports media dis rodeo?

    The PBR gets higher ratings than the NHL. Just saying.
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    Does the sports media dis rodeo?

    I get that impression. There are obvious exceptions, but they prove the rule. Why is this?
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    Charlie Weis: Once again at his disingenious/passive aggressive "best"

    Look at all the jellus basement-dwellers. :D :D :D :D
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    Making schedules and standings look interesting

    I'm working without an Art Director for the first time, and I'm trying to figure out a way to make schedules and standings less abysmally dull to look at. Anyone have any suggestions or examples you could point me to?