BRoth -
There are some sports radio guys here, but it's not exactly a welcoming climate as an earlier poster demonstrates. (We're all mouthbreathing, screaming idiots incapable of offering anything of value according to the standard print guy prejudices.) The forum at and may prove more fruitful for you in terms of generating useful advice. For what it's worth, a couple of things...
Getting a sports talk gig is a challenge, but there will be more opportunities ahead as music radio becomes ever more obsolete. Locally focused sports discussion is one of the few things that can't be duplicated on XM, Sirius or an Ipod, which means the format will continue to grow and likely shift more to FM as the years pass.
Having said that, if you're coming out of college and need to get a gig, there will be more places to get a foot in the door with print than radio. If you want to do radio, be prepared to not make a lot for quite a while. You can eventually make good enough money without being a sales person, but you will have to work your ass off to get there. It was three years out of college before I broke 20k, although things are good half a decade later. If you don't love radio, you will likely lose patience before you get where you aspire to go. Above all else, understand that sports radio is about entertaining people, not lecturing them on sports. We are not trying to do a baseball notebook column read aloud. If you can suggest creative ways to entertain listeners in an interview, a PD will pay attention. If you proudly proclaim your ability to recite the last 20 overall NFL number one picks, you'll never get hired. Good luck.