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Best Inventions This Decade

i am stunned -- STUNNED, I SAY -- over the naysayers on the wonders of hdtv.

to me, it's close to the move from black-and-white to color. the difference in picture quality is so vast when compared to the non-hd channels.

difficult to believe anyone doesn't find the picture quality a significant upgrade.
Watch a movie on HD and then on regular TV.

If you don't think there's a huge difference, well, as someone said, go back to he 13" black and white.

HD quality is leaps and bounds superior to regular TV.
I'm not saying I don't see a difference. I'm saying it doesn't make a difference to me.
I don't enjoy TV more because I'm watching HD.
There are a few exceptions - 'Planet Earth' and things like that.
But I don't enjoy sports more because they're in HD.
How about the HD camera that allows Planet Earth to be made, the slow motion of a golf swing or a baseball swing or the clear overhead shot or the QB's view of a football field?
Steak Snabler said:
NightHawk112005 said:
MacDaddy said:
NightHawk112005 said:
My family has an HDTV, and I can't see why so many people think it's so great.

I'm going to interpret that literally -- as in you can't see. If HDTV doesn't look amazing to you it's either hooked up wrong or your eyes have issues.

It's hooked up fine. But I like regular definition better. The picture isn't good enough on an HDTV to compensate for the delay in the programming for me. I already have a delay on a satellite, why double it with the HD set when the picture isn't that much better?

Plus, this might not apply to a lot of you, but I'm a gamer, and I love to play sports games on my PlayStation 2. One of my favorite games to play is MLB: The Show. On the PlayStation 2, there is a huge delay with the game on an HDTV when trying to hit, completely throwing off my timing, which is vital in baseball. I have the same problems with any game where timing is key, and it's such a detriment to the game that I refuse to play it on an HDTV. I'll pick it up again during my relocation to Idaho when the HDTV will be out of the picture, but for now, the game is shelved because HDTV ruins it.

You can have your HDTV. I usually find myself switching to regular-definition feed on an HDTV or abandoning it altogether in favor of my 15" set. The experience is more enjoyable for me.

Why not go full Luddite mode and get a 13-inch black-and-white Philco with foil-covered rabbit ears and a pair of pliers to change the channel?

That would definitely be a downgrade. The difference between black and white and color is huge. The difference between regular definition and HD is not, not most of the time to me, anyway. When it is, it's a huge difference in regular definition's favor, as I've explained. I'm the kind of guy who only gets what I need and nothing more. If I don't think the upgrade makes things better, I don't bother.

I don't use my remote control because I can't be bothered to look for the darn thing when I can just go to the box and manually change the channel. I didn't upgrade to NCAA Football 09 because I liked NCAA 08 better. I'm not going to upgrade to HD ever because I get a better experience with regular definition. Unless regular definition is phased out, I'll never get HD. I really think it's overrated.
I suspect in a few years (or less) you won't have a choice about regular or HD.

Regular TV's will go the way of eight tracks and VCR's.

Once new technology is made affordable, you can kiss the old stuff good-bye.

Yeah, I'd much rather watch a hockey game on a regular 15" TV than on a 37" flat screen Sharp Aquos any time. Much better experience.
I'm not saying regular definition is better than high definition. HD doesn't detract from my viewing pleasure.
NightHawk112005 said:
MacDaddy said:
NightHawk112005 said:
My family has an HDTV, and I can't see why so many people think it's so great.

I'm going to interpret that literally -- as in you can't see. If HDTV doesn't look amazing to you it's either hooked up wrong or your eyes have issues.

It's hooked up fine. But I like regular definition better. The picture isn't good enough on an HDTV to compensate for the delay in the programming for me. I already have a delay on a satellite, why double it with the HD set when the picture isn't that much better?

Plus, this might not apply to a lot of you, but I'm a gamer, and I love to play sports games on my PlayStation 2. One of my favorite games to play is MLB: The Show. On the PlayStation 2, there is a huge delay with the game on an HDTV when trying to hit, completely throwing off my timing, which is vital in baseball. I have the same problems with any game where timing is key, and it's such a detriment to the game that I refuse to play it on an HDTV. I'll pick it up again during my relocation to Idaho when the HDTV will be out of the picture, but for now, the game is shelved because HDTV ruins it.

You can have your HDTV. I usually find myself switching to regular-definition feed on an HDTV or abandoning it altogether in favor of my 15" set. The experience is more enjoyable for me.

If you're getting that much of a delay maybe it's not hooked up right, or something's wrong with your setup.

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