I've said it many times, but here goes again:
If you want to be a lawyer, get a law degree. My cousin is a partner in a Birmingham firm and told me there's no use wasting the years/money if you're not going to practice.
Be a lawyer, put in some years, make a fat nest egg, then you can quit to write about legal issues making the amount of money I light my cigars with, my cousin said.
If you want to be in charge of a paper/mag one day, get a business/management degree. I haven't worked for many MEs, EEs, publishers who didn't have one. At that level, you're a manager and the kind of budgets you'll deal with have nothing to do with what goes on A1. Look at the LAT scenario. Companies don't want journalists running the business, they want businessmen.
That way, you can fall back to any kind of company (and probably make a lot more money).
So, get in, BONG, make your money. PROTECT YA gosh darn NECK! Wu-Tang.