Without releasing the hounds 8) ... I'm hoping some of you who have been college interns at a newspaper can offer me some tips/advice as far as applying, and sending clips, etc. And Tom Petty, please don't respond 
--How many letters of recommenation is preferable? 2-3, or as many as possible?
--How many clips should I send, and in what format? The actual copy, a web version, a printed word document?
--Is there a specific way of organizing them that will make them look more professional? Any specifics that have worked for some of you?
Thanks for the help guys. Some sarcastic responses are inevitable, but hopefully somebody can help!

--How many letters of recommenation is preferable? 2-3, or as many as possible?
--How many clips should I send, and in what format? The actual copy, a web version, a printed word document?
--Is there a specific way of organizing them that will make them look more professional? Any specifics that have worked for some of you?
Thanks for the help guys. Some sarcastic responses are inevitable, but hopefully somebody can help!