Double J said:
Fenian_Bastard said:
They can crusade for the rest of their lives on behalf of the wrongly accused, the wrongly convicted, and innocent people ground up by reckless prosecutors and cowboy cops responding to heedless public demands for law and order.
Or they can all go work on Wall Street.
Wonder who'll do what?
Or maybe they'll join the
Republicans and win public office. You know, just to pish you off even more.
You had to put gas on the fire, didn't you? Fen brings the kerosene, so look the heck out!
We would like to thank Mike Nifong for participating in today's proceedings. Please turn in your law license on your way out the door.
Thank you.
(It was laughable to see deck Brodhead's response to Nifong yesterday on ESPN, admonishing him for embarassing the legal system and Duke University. The sumbitch and his faculty has yet to formally apologize to the three students. It would be wise to do it one of these days, if they get around to doing it, those sanctimonious pompous Ivory Tower forkers)