Well-Known Member
Let me pose a question: Who is serving the reader more: the fanboi writer or the curmudgeon who's been on the beat 25 years, doesn't break any news (because the national people all do), and clearly hates his job and readers (and the contempt he feels for both shows daily in his writing)?
Great question, but I pose a third answer: I want to read or hear someone who is well-versed but also passionate about the event, not necessarily about the specific participants. I don't care if it's the Super Bowl or the PeeWee football game, make me feel like I'm sitting there next to you as you explain what's going on. Make that game come alive in your retelling.
You don't have to resort to cliches or overwrought prose. Nuts and bolts. Connect the dots. Five Ws and the H. But at least write or speak like you care that you were on the scene, even if you weren't.
It's not always easy to do that. But the best in the business do it all the time. Strive to be better than a fanboi or a curmudgeon.
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