spnited said:PEteacher said:spnited said:A bigger question:
Why is the Virginian-Pilot centerpiecing the NBA Finals right up against deadline with an AP story when they have a staff story on a Virginia guy winning his first NASCAR race, in the afternoon, with plenty of time to give it good treatment?
Not only bad execution, very bad news judgment from a paper with a very good reputation.
Because it's the SPORTS section. They want to play up the competitions that actually involve, get this, athletic abilities. News judgment made perfect sense to me.
Also, how bad has it gotten that the Pilot is using AP for the NBA finals. Why aren't they staffing it?
All right, douchebag...the last thing I am is a NASCAR fan. But if you don't think it takes athletic ability to drive those things for 3-to-4 hours at 200 mph you're an even bigger ass than I thought.
If you had any clue, you'd also know NASCAR is very big in Va., so a "local" rookie winning is a damn big story.
And why the heck would the Pilot --a 185-200K paper in a market that does not have a truly local  NBA franchise -- staff cover the NBA finals?
Please crawl back under the rock from which you emerged.
3-4 hours -- a trip from San Francisco to go skiing in Tahoe. Is driving in a NASCAR race much, much, much, ... much, much, much more difficult than driving from the Bay Area to Lake Tahoe? Of course.
Does it require you to jump any higher? Or run any faster? Or be any stronger? No. Does it require you to be any more athletic? Not in the least bit.
Auto racing is difficult. Very difficult. And very skillful. So is calculus and phyics. But calculus and physics are sports either.
Thank god the only auto racing in the papers here, and there are a lot of papers here, are briefs on the scoreboard page.