Our local paper, a 25,000 daily that was 40,000 about 10 years ago, has 125 or so high schools in its coverage area.
The area includes a D-I university, a minor-league baseball team, a successful D-II university, a couple of NAIA schools, a couple of pro golf tournaments and a ton of outdoor activities. They've gone from 5 full-time sports writers to 1 to "cover" all of that.
They've cut across the board, but preps have taken the biggest cut. During last fall, each week they did a midweek football feature, then covered and shot one FB game, and did a "5 things we learned" for Saturday's paper. Not a word all fall about any sport other than football, including as teams in its main coverage area won state titles in other sports. They had football teams close in to their coverage area (30 miles away) reach the state championship games in 2 classes, but not a word on football after the city teams were eliminated.
Even less coverage in basketball. They covered a couple of big tournaments in the city, but nothing regular for coverage, features or gamers. They picked up a couple of city teams when they reached the round of 16 and quarterfinals for basketball, but were very sporadic about coverage for non-city teams in the coverage area that made state tournament runs. Also, stopped running scores and box scores for all high school events - they laid off the minimum-wage clerks. Wrestling and swimming, which included city teams win individual and state championships? Literally not a word.
The reaction, from people I know who work there, started with outrage during the fall, then degraded to complete indifference by the end of basketball season. They see that as a victory that they no longer listen to complaint calls and e-mails every day. I countered that it's a bad sign, that people have left and don't even care/see enough to complain about anymore.