Riddick said:but the choice really isn't his is all I'm saying. What employer would actually tell someone, "Hey, you can have the job if you cut your hair." This ain't the Yankees.
I'm not saying it's right or wrong. And like I said, I don't know if I'd hire some guy with hair at his ass. But, it is discrimination. That's all i'm saying.
Sorry, not discrimination. The employer gets to choose what it wants representing its company, within the boundaries of things people cannot control (race, gender, etc.). You say this ain't the Yankees, but a newspaper has every right to impose the same restrictions for the same reasons, even if the employee never deals directly with outside customers. Hell, if Johnny Damon can shave and cut his hair to play for the Yankees, why can't a paper expect a candidate to do the same for it? If the candidate doesn't like it, he can find someplace else to work (as your friend did).