DyePack said:
I seem to be falling back on this theme a lot lately, but since when is it OK to be shirtty just because everyone else is?
No one thinks its OK, no one likes it, but IT IS reality, whether you want to acknowledge it or not.
Incidentally, I don't hear a whole of ideas to make this dynamic better, I hear a lot of pissing and moaning about it. Understandable, but it's still spitting into the wind.
Within a 200-mile radius of where I am now, I have heard similar CNHI-style embodiment-of-evil complaining about Gannett, Lee, Scripps, Freedom, and other smaller chains that aren't nationally known. I also worked for a privately-owned paper which was the most forked up operation imaginable, combined with the fact they were dickish, interfering assholes.
Not saying the complaints aren't valid, but to my point, no company has the market cornered on being assholes or running an uncomfortably lean financial operation.
Maybe that's a sad commentary on our industry, but it doesn't make it any less false. It also doesn't make our industry unique. Try bitching to anyone outside our industry who works for a major corporation about our problems. They'll just laugh and match every story of ours with one of their own.
As for CNHI being intimidating. Really? They are about the least intimidating company I've ever worked for. Like dixiehack noted, they are more about benign neglect than intimidation, not that benign neglect is acceptable, but I've never had a travel budget questioned or had any coverage plans shelved because of external pressures (I've had some things shelved because of internal staffing issues, but that's different).
I've never heard anything like the crap that allegedly goes on in JRC, where you have shirtheads like Jelenic dictating prep roundups and such. There's no one-size fits-all ethos that runs through Gannett. So pick your poison, I guess.