Cosmo said:
Boy, that's a real slippery slope there Nathan. In a way, I understand what you're saying. But we're not in the business of producing gossipy rumors and passing them off as fact, especially considering that most papers break their news on the web now instead of print.
I would be completely in favor of hedging on an non-life-or-death report that's unconfirmed. You wouldn't label it as real news or treat it as real news. You might have a well-connected columnist write "here's what we're hearing" just so you can prove to the readers that you're on top of things. If you say nothing, you look like you missed the story.
I would never sanction this approach for something important like whether Lidle was on that plane or even anything unconfirmed from a player's personal life. But informed analysis of coaching changes, trade rumors, etc., are the kind of stuff that makes it worth it to me to read the paper. (A good feature or analytical piece is cool too.) But game stories, rewritten press releases and official transaction reports are pointless when I can get all that on my own.