thegrifter said:Ryan,RS, we get it. you like your job there. And congrats on your awards last year.RyanStinky said:I did a google search for the jackson sun and the tennessee sports writers association and found one of their other sports guys won some awards last year too.
OK, children. Let's stop the bickering.
I work in Jackson now as the preps editor, a position I've held for going on three years. The sports editors job is a good spot for someone who wants to step in and work hard an hour from Memphis and 2 1/2 hours from Nashville. It's been tough not having a sports editor for a while, but the potential is still here to win awards. Dan Morris, formerly the SE and winner of multiple APSE awards, has been our interim SE for the past few months in addition to his duties in charge of special projects.
We just added a new full-timer who is splitting time covering the colleges and doing layout. We also have a community writer, a full-time layout guy and a few part-timers.
Just like any other job you'll face some challenges. But anyone discounting this place because it's Gannett or because of what you've heard about it in the past obviously doesn't know what we've been able to do over the past three years. Our last SE did a great job of making this an award-winning section. A few APSE, TPA and TSWA awards aren't too shabby considering our big thing is preps.
And for those wondering: We cover Memphis home football games and will hit select UofM and Memphis Grizzlies basketball games this year, just as we have the past two years. We're also currently doing a project on West Tennessee natives in the NFL.
The opportunity to do good work is possible here. PM me if you have any questions about this spot.