To date, the lesson from the set-to — that publishing a senator arguing that federal troops could be deployed against rioters is unacceptable — will forever circumscribe what issues opinion sections are allowed to address. It's also long past time to ask why more people who claim to uphold journalism and free expression — including, um, the Erik Wemple Blog — didn't speak out then in Bennet's defense.
It's because we were afraid to.
To date, the lesson from the set-to — that publishing a senator arguing that federal troops could be deployed against rioters is unacceptable — will forever circumscribe what issues opinion sections are allowed to address. It's also long past time to ask why more people who claim to uphold journalism and free expression — including, um, the Erik Wemple Blog — didn't speak out then in Bennet's defense.
It's because we were afraid to.