Well-Known Member
Oscar, I don't know what to do with my magazines. I want to part with them but I don't. I'd rather throw out other shirt before the magazines.
I keep the ones that delight me for whatever reason. I would love to keep full runs, but just don't have the room and know I won't read every issue of everything again.
For instance: I have this one from my wasted youth:
But my copies of Western Horseman, SI, and Tiger Beat didn't make the cut.
Then there's this:
The article doesn't say much about what they were smoking back then. What makes this a keeper is the cover teases pages of pictures of happy little clay Olmecs with teeny nads gettin' baked. No way this one is going to the free pile at the library.
Yes, I have the sensibility of the nine-year-old.
I have five magazine files filled with issues that continue to be sources of happy distraction. Dunno if this helps.
One of most underrated shows ever. Loved it.
I got my boxed set out of a UBS free bin. The clerk told me they couldn't sell it. There was a woman my mother's age who looked like she wanted to kill me when I picked it up. Oh, that Dabney! And you're right, it's a great series.
Try craigs list. Someone took our Nat Geos for an art project.
There was a craze for Nat Geos among the crafty set a couple of years ago. The ink they used would transfer onto nearly anything by brushing on orange oil cleaner.
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