You're at a weekly, or twice-weekly, if you will, where you publish twice a week in a community of about 15,000. You publish a subscription-based paper on Wednesdays - it goes to a paid circulation of about 3,000. You publish a free paper on Fridays that goes to a circulation of about 15,000. Free paper has a competitor, paid paper doesn't. Wednesday broadsheet has two-page sports section, Friday tabloid two-three.
Anyway, subscriptions dwindle because you're forced to put more and more stuff into the Friday paper to keep competition up. Publisher wants to see better Wednesday product, though (she can't see the value of cancelling it, giving up subscriptions and using the extra money to kill competition on Friday).
At any rate, now the publisher would like to relaunch the Wednesday paper with more content, one more staff for the department, etc. A) Do you decrease free content to bolster paid section, B) What innovations would you consider to boost that paid section, given that the scope is ultra-local? Columns, polls, bigger photos, anything?
Anyway, subscriptions dwindle because you're forced to put more and more stuff into the Friday paper to keep competition up. Publisher wants to see better Wednesday product, though (she can't see the value of cancelling it, giving up subscriptions and using the extra money to kill competition on Friday).
At any rate, now the publisher would like to relaunch the Wednesday paper with more content, one more staff for the department, etc. A) Do you decrease free content to bolster paid section, B) What innovations would you consider to boost that paid section, given that the scope is ultra-local? Columns, polls, bigger photos, anything?