How does one write a column in support of a drunk driver? Attack the field sobriety test?
Its not as if your story was "against" the guy, it was just the facts ma'am. People are morons.
Their column, which literally had the headline of "We love you, Local Hero," was trying to show support for the guy in a difficult time. It wasn't a bad premise. This guy really has done a lot of charity work in our town and is very proud to be from here. He's been very generous and treated people well with both his time and money. Honestly, if things hadn't gone the way they had this week and I didn't feel the need to defend the honor of both my paper and myself, I might have written something similar.
Even in the follow-up column I did write, I pointed out that he's (hopefully) a good guy who made a mistake. I linked to 50 stories we've written about him, all of them positive — because there literally was not a negative one in the 100+ stories we've written.
I don't want to bash the guy and I certainly don't wish ill will on him.
My problem with the competition's story wasn't that they wrote it, or even the tone of it. It's that they never once said
why they wrote it. There wasn't a single reference, not even in passing, about the DUI. There wasn't a separate story reporting the basic facts like we did, with the column as a companion piece. It was obvious they saw how people were reacting to our story, decided, "Oh we want no part of that," and took the coward's way out. Sticking it to us was a bonus.
They even made a reference to "social media negativity" being directed toward the guy, when all of the negativity was being directed at us.
I ran into their sports guy at a couple of assignments yesterday and it took a lot of effort not to light into him and call him and his boss cowards. I already had no respect for their shirtty operation. Whatever little shred of respect I had for them even as individuals is gone as well.