Recent content by Dave Royse

  1. D

    Sports editor - Seymour, IN

    I thought they changed it a few years ago to the Mellencamps, - maybe they changed it back
  2. D

    Random '90s baseball player name

    Mackey Sasser (Harry Caray: "That's Ressas spelled backward!")
  3. D

    Random '90s baseball player name

    The Barbarian
  4. D

    Random '90s baseball player name

    Pat Mahomes
  5. D

    Actors/actresses associated with cities

    Woody Allen New York, specifically Manhattan Macauley Culkin the Chicago suburbs Matthew Broderick, suburban Chicago James Gandolfini – bunch of towns in the Jersey suburbs Gabe Kaplan – Brooklyn Spike Lee - Brooklyn Ted Danson – Boston Matt Damon – Boston (The Depahted, not Good Will...
  6. D

    Actors/actresses associated with cities

    John Waters and Baltimore. Also anybody who was in The Wire
  7. D

    Available for Frozen Four in Chicago

    Already credentialed, but can take on additional clients if you need game coverage from NCAA Frozen Four.
  8. D

    experienced freelancer in Chicago available

    If you need something covered in Chicago or the upper Midwest in general, please get in touch. Former AP staffer. Web work, newspapers, wires. Whatever ya got. Single game coverage rarely worth it if travel involved but tournaments with multiple games, or features, I'm usually game. Single game...
  9. D

    Big East Women's Hoops Tourney

    If anyone needs coverage of the Big East women's basketball tournament March 5-8 in Chicago, let me know. Game stories tailored to your team. Sked is here. Big East Conference If interested let me know sooner rather than later so I can deal with credentials. Some of my recent stories are here...
  10. D

    Veteran wire service, newspaper, online stringer avail - Chicago

    Former AP staffer for more than a decade, ran online news service, now freelancing/stringing news and sports in Chicago area. Can cover just about any sport, game stories, features, previews, whatever you need. I travel throughout Midwest. Have covered college sports, NBA, MLB recently, and NFL...