Recent content by SteveThePirate

  1. S

    APSE Judging Thread

    Thank you, Max. Really, thank you. My God, the negativity on this board is alarming, and the reason I stay away for the most part. I didn't win, my paper did OK, but for chrissakes I'm not going to sit here and join in as this thread becomes another bash-the-industry, woe-is-us bitchfest. Here's...
  2. S

    AP Style question

    Correct. That's how we do it.
  3. S

    Wife and Kids question for all

    It's all balanced out for me, I think, although I wouldn't know any other way. My wife is jealous as heck that the flexibility of what I do allows me to drop the kids off and pick them up every day from school. Some of the time I value most is telling them to have a good day as they head inside...
  4. S

    Is this a conflict of interest???

    Am I the only one who had trouble following?
  5. S

    Thank you cards from athletes

    Also from the Uncomfortable Department: After writing about an extremely accomplished multi-sport girl one last time as our female athlete of the year, she not only sent a thank-you note for the interviews and stories of the past few years but included a senior picture of herself in her...
  6. S

    ESPN not immune

    It sure beats trying to do it with dimes.
  7. S

    I was gonna say, Watergate

    Outstanding. I've seen or been directly involved with three of four from point-blank range. All but the first, which I'm sure will be coming soon. I'd have to vote for #4 as most sickening of all.
  8. S

    If newspapers go away ...

    My favorite so far.
  9. S

    Bad day ...

    As far as the reduction in mileage reimbursement: Let me guess, it wasn't very good to begin with?
  10. S

    Top ranked press boxes

    Yes, enjoyed Texas A&M until the thing started to move. Steve's got a shaky stomach. But I did make sure not to walk on the field afterwards.
  11. S

    Waiting for that new career...

    I'm in that "still employed but wondering about the future" state. Anyway, teaching somehow has emerged in the back of my mind as something to try next. I've just got to figure out how to find the time to go back to school and do what I need to do to teach at the elementary education level --...
  12. S

    O'Leary freezing out the Sentinel

    Honest question: Would you trust that what you're reading on fan sites and message boards as fact, and particularly in something this touchy and not what happened to Terry Tailback at practice? I'm only saying that because in our market people will read and listen to those, and I know dang well...
  13. S

    Reid speaks out on "I'm a Man!" rant

    Found it to be a good read, too. Easy to stick with until the end. Now I'm not protecting anybody, but thought he might have pushed it a little with more than one of the "not brave enough to print it" jabs. I always find that to be touchy ground in this business. Glass houses and all. Did he...
  14. S

    Today hurt ... a lot.

    I've come to the conclusion that reading this board results in temporary states of depression and leads me to believe beer is the answer. Not wanting to not act on my instincts, I usually go straight to the refrigerator. Seriously, Tripp, your post got me thinking: What if this were three or...
  15. S

    Have you given up?

    I could have just written that same little synopsis. Accurate on a lot of accounts. I don't want this at all to sound like I'm lazy or unappreciative, but our place isn't paying me any more to handle a high-profile beat (and deal with all the time and headaches) than it would if it reassigned...