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  1. B

    Sports On Earth goes live

    Agree. It's very clean, Grantland-y, very different from the all links plus rotating headline thing you get at SI/ESPN/everywhere. It communicates a different thing than those sorts of sites. When I redo my site I'll be aiming for something in the neighborhood. I'm not sure it'll work as well...
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    Turner Broadcasting acquires Bleacher Report

    Here's Ben Koo on why this happened: He's plugged into these sorts of things and has a fair take. Too fair for me, since I'm generally "WHHHHHHYYYYY" about this, but if they took...
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    Increasing your Twitter following

    I agree with the follow-and-retweet interesting stuff and the general edict to keep your retweetable items shorter than 140 characters. A lot of people will want to add context for their followers on a retweet and keeping it short makes it easy. If it's long you have to rephrase/cut to keep it...
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    Another reason why real journalism matters.

    He's right, you're right. Real journalism does matter, is out of the realm of the average blogger, and the average newspaper reporter. Sports more than most domains should be aware of this since Yahoo's been killing everyone for three or four years when it comes to actual news-breaking. The...
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    New Blogger at Sports Illustrated

    They've also hired Holly Anderson from EDSBS to run a college football blog. Staples is pumped by this development. Holly's excellent -- SI has made a lot of good young hires lately with the money they didn't spend on Rick Reilly recycling columns from ten years ago.
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    Yahoo levels Miami

    not sure if serious?
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    ESPN college sites/hiring

    There is a Michigan one launching shortly. They've hired Mike Rothstein from, Chantel Jennings, who is a fresh graduate who wrote for the Michigan Daily, and Tom Van Haaren from MGoBlog. It's bizarre to criticize these jobs as dead-ends in this environment.
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    Blogging Traffic

    What's the blog about? If it's about something that has enough of a following to support message boards, find independent ones, establish yourself as a useful poster, and write posts that address common discussions/arguments on those boards. If it's just whatever you want to post that's probably...
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    Yahoo levels Miami

    That would be more convincing if Wetzel hadn't just bombed the NCAA. Robinson's just doing his job and if Craggs still thinks its impact is like rounding up guys with a joint on them I think he's wrong -- the zeitgeist is moving towards NCAA reform because of Yahoo's work.
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    Who's a "journalist"?

    It would be great if you had any idea what you're taking about. "Before you start with the "this happens everywhere", please stop. I don't mean to be rude to your opinion or insight, and you are right that stuff like this does...
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    Who's a "journalist"?

    Access usually isn't critical to a blogger, who has gotten in a spot to get that access by writing stuff that doesn't rely on it. Meanwhile, the harshest criticism of most programs often comes from fans with a more lofty view of expectations than might be reasonable. Example: Ohio State fans...
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    Seeking advice on contracts for bloggers/online writers

    I would try to avoid making yourself responsible for your own monetization unless you're already experienced in that. Selling ads is a totally different skillset from writing stuff and that sounds like a red herring of an incentive. I haven't really negotiated anything with a large media...
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    Title IX fraud

    Football is 46% black. Women's sports are 78% white. Women are now 57% of the undergraduate population. That doesn't provide income stats but they probably skew poor for sports in...
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    Title IX fraud

    Why does everyone want to take scholarships away from football -- disproportionately black and poor -- and give them to other college sports that are disproportionately privileged? If we're talking about opportunity here a random sample of ten guys on a football roster will be massively more in...
  15. B lays off 14

    That's accurate. I went to a couple of local things where the people in charge of new venture described it and it was clear they were closer to empty suits than digital natives. Example: they rented a big, expensive office in the google building. Next time just set the money on fire.
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    At Media Companies, a Nation of Serfs

    Entirely depends on the site. Usually they do give you a "views" counter as a carrot; it's motivating when you get 2k views on something.
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    At Media Companies, a Nation of Serfs

    Most people who start blogs don't look at like them like they're jobs. A nonexistent barrier to entry means there are plenty of abandoned or ignored blogs but in the end they aren't the demise of internet publishing any more than the end of any one animal is the demise of a species. As for the...
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    Sporting News/AOL Fanhouse

    Depends on whether the team is winning or not. When leveled from within a fanbase criticism is met with less hostility because the assumption is we all want the same thing and disagree about the ways to get there. But you're not wrong. I think "cheerleading" is an unnecessarily derogatory way...
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    Bleacher Report Raises 10.5M, Becomes 5th Largest Sports Website

    Google it: BR takes as much or more shirt from bloggers as they do from mainstream folk. Watching the inevitable panel at Blogs With Balls where Jim Bankoff, the SBN CEO, sits next to the BR CEO is a hilarious hour full of Bankoff barely restraining his facial expressions and explaining very...
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    Sporting News/AOL Fanhouse

    I worked as a CFB lead at Fanhouse until they made their shift to a more newspapery thing -- I went out at about the same time Terrence Moore and Clay Travis and a half dozen others came in -- and FWIW: 1) we were told the same 50% external pageviews number, so someone was lying at some point...