deck Whitman said:
I have a friend who graduated from The Ohio State University. The other day, I asked him what he thinks of the Tressel affair. He called it "embarrassing." Surprise, surprise. He doesn't post on Buckeye message boards or call talk radio. He's part of the silent majority. The silent majority that we - the "media" - write for.
It would be great if you had any idea what you're taking about.
"Before you start with the "this happens everywhere", please stop. I don't mean to be rude to your opinion or insight, and you are right that stuff like this does happen at all big time college programs, but we're the ones who got caught this time. Not only did we get caught, but we may have been caught at the most inopportune time. Yes, technically the accused should be innocent until proven guilty and some reports claim that OSU's compliance department approved the said purchases (if so, this could be even worse), but the writing is on the wall here people and this writer certainly isn't buying that ALL of those car deals were legitimate and done at fair value."
"Jim Tressel should resign or be fired." There's plenty more a google search would dig up if you so desire.
Meanwhile, Michael Rosenberg's Free Press piece actually missed the point -- Michigan having GAs check on offseason workouts -- in favor of a lurid description of Michigan practices that claimed Rodriguez was wearing his players out with Sunday sessions more than double the NCAA allotted maximum. It was almost wholly wrong, as the eventual NCAA report stated. If you'd like to debate that, that's fine, but I don't think you do.
I think you want to hide behind a screenname and tell anyone with the temerity to declare themselves a fan that they traded in their critical faculties when they became a "fanboi" instead of actually arguing about facts. Meanwhile, your complaint about my characterization of the mainstream media comes paired with a *precisely analogous one* directed at blogs. So that's fine: you think blogs don't have critical faculties because you have none yourself.