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Who's a "journalist"?

YankeeFan said:
Restauranteurs and Chefs cater to bloggers, who respond with glowing coverage. They get comped meals, invited to previews, etc.

And, food critics, already among the most conflicted journalists out there, are responding in kind.

I was so far ahead of the curve on this one. About 12 years ago I started a golf web site, essentially so I could play free golf under the guise of writing "reviews" of the courses for my "guide." It was a great scam that I milked for two or three years. Probably got $3,000 worth of greens fees and some equipment out of it.

I was very careful never to portray it as independent or objective or anything, because I did not consider myself a "journalist" in that particular endeavor. I knew it was about sucking up to the courses so I could play for free. I figured it was up to the readers -- "buyer beware" -- to make their own assessment of how much credibility to give my "reviews."

(EDIT: Kidding about being "ahead of the curve." I realize I didn't invent this idea.)
BB Bobcat said:
YankeeFan said:
Restauranteurs and Chefs cater to bloggers, who respond with glowing coverage. They get comped meals, invited to previews, etc.

And, food critics, already among the most conflicted journalists out there, are responding in kind.

I was so far ahead of the curve on this one. About 12 years ago I started a golf web site, essentially so I could play free golf under the guise of writing "reviews" of the courses for my "guide." It was a great scam that I milked for two or three years. Probably got $3,000 worth of greens fees and some equipment out of it.

I was very careful never to portray it as independent or objective or anything, because I did not consider myself a "journalist" in that particular endeavor. I knew it was about sucking up to the courses so I could play for free. I figured it was up to the readers -- "buyer beware" -- to make their own assessment of how much credibility to give my "reviews."

(EDIT: Kidding about being "ahead of the curve." I realize I didn't invent this idea.)

Yeah, the travel industry and movie critics are rife with this kind of thing too.

A couple of stories I've been following are a controversy involving John Mariani, who puts together Esquire's Best New Restaurants list:



Basically, Mariani not only announces himself ahead of time, but he makes his reservations through publicists, and expects restaurants (or their publicists) to not only comp his meal, but also cover his expenses.

Esquire has had to redefine him as a freelancer as opposed to their restaurant critic.

The other one has to do with the Worlds Best 50 Restaurant List.


It's voted on by journalists and local reviewer Steve Dolinsky, who reviews restaurants for both the local ABC affiliate and the local NPR affiliate, is a local chair of a committee.

And, while he's been pretty transparent about it, he's excepted free trips to Europe and free meals from some of the restaurants hoping to get on the list.
Tech journalism is corrupt as well. David Pogue and Walt Mossberg are sycophants to Steve Jobs. Kara Swisher's partner is a Google exec.

Tech journalism is were it's at if you want free swag, much better than a laptop bag you might get at a bowl game.
I love when Brian Cook lectures us about the monolithic "media."

Brian, I don't agree that there is some sort of "disconnect" between fans and the "media" because the "media" isn't addressing the concerns of the groupthinking masses at MGoBlue or USCTrojanforlife or CrimsonTideTilTheDayIDie or whatever other start-up sites out there have welcomed the lunatic fringe with open arms. As much as it might seem that way to you because of your point of view, the mob mentality that takes over at a place like your site - or talk radio for that matter - does not necessarily reflect what the "public" at large is clamoring for.

You stand up for your posters and those of their ilk because you think they are more "negative" than the "media." Of course, that's true when it comes to something like the performance of the offensive line or the accuracy of the point guard from behind the 3-point line. But woe to the columnist or shoe-leather reporter who insinuates that the program they cover is anything but a bastion of integrity at all times. You think your readers and posters are willing to stick their necks out because they criticize schemes and such. But the second someone like Michael Rosenberg writes about potential NCAA violations or the Ann Arbor News addresses the academic disconnect between athletes and the rest of the student body, they go berserk, and you know it. They wear their "negativity" - and, honestly, a lot of bloggers like yourself do it, as well - like this big badge of honor, but it's a cop-out, because they would never, ever be "negative" (or, as I like to call it, probing/inquisitive) about the things that matter.

I have a friend who graduated from The Ohio State University. The other day, I asked him what he thinks of the Tressel affair. He called it "embarrassing." Surprise, surprise. He doesn't post on Buckeye message boards or call talk radio. He's part of the silent majority. The silent majority that we - the "media" - write for.
For the record, I've always hated the term. I hate using it describe myself, and I hate using it for my industry. But it's part of the deal.

I always thought reporter, editor, writer, columnist fit fine.

But I never liked the term "article," either, although I'm forced to use it freelancing for Demand Studios or nobody would know what I'm talking about. I personally don't feel I ever wrote an article in my life, although I wrote a lot of stories and quite a few columns.
Frank_Ridgeway said:
Pre-Internet, major-market sports teams and events did not give credentials to every small daily, weekly and radio station that requested them. Always was subjective.

I can't find an answer that has no loopholes, but generally where I set the bar is: Is this person's work scrutinzed BEFORE publication. Now I know there are some one-person weeklies that do a good job, and that in the age of tweeting, veteran journalists publish without editing -- but they do so knowing they will be held accountable by a boss, which is a different thing than being held accountable by an audience. My general rule of thumb, though, is that having a boss of some sort is what separates a professional news organization from a hobbyist who makes a few bucks at it.

It's not snobbism -- I've made the point a couple times that Dave's NSJC columns do not appear to be edited and at times seem to suffer from a lack of scrutiny before publication. Even editors need editors. I often seek input from other editors even when it's my job to hit the "send" button.

That's a great answer. And a reason, to me, why Twitter and journalism never belong in the same sentence, unless you want to show me a Twitter editor.
I've been amazed/impressed at how some local restauranteurs/chefs have used twitter and cheerleading food bloggers to build up anticipation of new restaurants.

They cater to them. Give them "exclusive" interviews or photos of the restaurant during build out. They invite them to preview dinners and let them be the first to publish their menu.

And it works.

These bloggers pump these places up. They tweet about it and report every move these guys make. And they praise every design element, menu choice, and the plating and taste of every dish.

And the places are packed when they open. It's really something.

Oh, and to be fair, the restauranteur/chef also has to be aggressive with social media and engage boggers and foodies to make it work.
YankeeFan said:
I've been amazed/impressed at how some local restauranteurs/chefs have used twitter and cheerleading food bloggers to build up anticipation of new restaurants.

They cater to them. Give them "exclusive" interviews or photos of the restaurant during build out. They invite them to preview dinners and let them be the first to publish their menu.

And it works.

These bloggers pump these places up. They tweet about it and report every move these guys make. And they praise every design element, menu choice, and the plating and taste of every dish.

And the places are packed when they open. It's really something.

Oh, and to be fair, the restauranteur/chef also has to be aggressive with social media and engage boggers and foodies to make it work.

Are you missing an 'l' as the second letter or should an 'o' replace the third? :D
deck Whitman said:
I have a friend who graduated from The Ohio State University. The other day, I asked him what he thinks of the Tressel affair. He called it "embarrassing." Surprise, surprise. He doesn't post on Buckeye message boards or call talk radio. He's part of the silent majority. The silent majority that we - the "media" - write for.

It would be great if you had any idea what you're taking about.


"Before you start with the "this happens everywhere", please stop. I don't mean to be rude to your opinion or insight, and you are right that stuff like this does happen at all big time college programs, but we're the ones who got caught this time. Not only did we get caught, but we may have been caught at the most inopportune time. Yes, technically the accused should be innocent until proven guilty and some reports claim that OSU's compliance department approved the said purchases (if so, this could be even worse), but the writing is on the wall here people and this writer certainly isn't buying that ALL of those car deals were legitimate and done at fair value."


"Jim Tressel should resign or be fired." There's plenty more a google search would dig up if you so desire.

Meanwhile, Michael Rosenberg's Free Press piece actually missed the point -- Michigan having GAs check on offseason workouts -- in favor of a lurid description of Michigan practices that claimed Rodriguez was wearing his players out with Sunday sessions more than double the NCAA allotted maximum. It was almost wholly wrong, as the eventual NCAA report stated. If you'd like to debate that, that's fine, but I don't think you do.

I think you want to hide behind a screenname and tell anyone with the temerity to declare themselves a fan that they traded in their critical faculties when they became a "fanboi" instead of actually arguing about facts. Meanwhile, your complaint about my characterization of the mainstream media comes paired with a *precisely analogous one* directed at blogs. So that's fine: you think blogs don't have critical faculties because you have none yourself.
Brian Cook said:
deck Whitman said:
I have a friend who graduated from The Ohio State University. The other day, I asked him what he thinks of the Tressel affair. He called it "embarrassing." Surprise, surprise. He doesn't post on Buckeye message boards or call talk radio. He's part of the silent majority. The silent majority that we - the "media" - write for.

It would be great if you had any idea what you're taking about.


"Before you start with the "this happens everywhere", please stop. I don't mean to be rude to your opinion or insight, and you are right that stuff like this does happen at all big time college programs, but we're the ones who got caught this time. Not only did we get caught, but we may have been caught at the most inopportune time. Yes, technically the accused should be innocent until proven guilty and some reports claim that OSU's compliance department approved the said purchases (if so, this could be even worse), but the writing is on the wall here people and this writer certainly isn't buying that ALL of those car deals were legitimate and done at fair value."


"Jim Tressel should resign or be fired." There's plenty more a google search would dig up if you so desire.

Meanwhile, Michael Rosenberg's Free Press piece actually missed the point -- Michigan having GAs check on offseason workouts -- in favor of a lurid description of Michigan practices that claimed Rodriguez was wearing his players out with Sunday sessions more than double the NCAA allotted maximum. It was almost wholly wrong, as the eventual NCAA report stated. If you'd like to debate that, that's fine, but I don't think you do.

I think you want to hide behind a screenname and tell anyone with the temerity to declare themselves a fan that they traded in their critical faculties when they became a "fanboi" instead of actually arguing about facts. Meanwhile, your complaint about my characterization of the mainstream media comes paired with a *precisely analogous one* directed at blogs. So that's fine: you think blogs don't have critical faculties because you have none yourself.

I never said that fans at BLOGS!!! thought monolithically, but there is a ton of groupthink going on there. And they go apeshirt when someone criticizes the program or university's integrity or compliance. You can cherry-pick some contrary evidence, but you know that, in general, I am right.

Shocked that would be your take on Rosenberg's work. Shocked, I say. Never would have seen that one coming.

As far as "hiding behind a screen name," congrats, I suppose, on using your real name here. It's standard practice around here to use screen names so we can discuss the business freely. We're not all self-employed entrepreneurs like yourself, so try to respect that. (And I mean that as a compliment.) If that bothers you, find another site.
Are we talking about getting access to a sporting event and a locker room or a free meal at the local choke and puke?

I think this is about a PR person or an SID sorting out who to give access to for a sporting event.

Maybe I am wrong.

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