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  1. G

    What do you make?

    Against my better judgment, I'll bite... I'm an NFL beat writer for one of the nation's larger papers. I make about $69K. I have about 15 years of experience. It's been a long road to get here, and I often hate the hours and unreasonable expectations of the job, but I realize I'm really fortunate.
  2. G

    Crazy things you've had to do to file a story

    Rather than rehash much of the same stuff that I've had to do -- dictating from payphones on rural roads, using the 7-Eleven phone, getting locked in stadiums -- I choose to appreciate just how amazing our capabilities are today. Consider: I covered a function last week that didn't really have...
  3. G

    Going To Jacksonville for Gator Bowl ...

    If you want to hang out after hours and partake in some nightlife, Jacksonville Beach is very underrated. I don't remember the names of specific places, but it's not hard to find the bar district where there are many establishments from which to choose. Doubt you'll be disappointed.
  4. G

    St. Pete, err, Tampa Bay Times, cuts pay, people

    Re: St. Pete cuts pay, people Mizzou, just to be factual, St. Pete absolutely has a writer in Gainesville.
  5. G

    RIP Kim Jessup (ESPN PR)

    This is really sad. She was very, very sweet. I used to hate to turn her down when she pitched stories because she was so nice (and persistent). If anyone can clarify how this happened, please tell. This is a shock. I just talked to her two weeks ago.
  6. G

    Anonymous sources

    I must say, what's missing in this thread is an understanding of the INCREDIBLE amount of pressure on beat writers covering the major sports in particular (me!). If you play everything by the book, you'll be humiliated. I just feel like that's what it's come to. I'm not suggesting there's not...
  7. G

    Obama skips major papers: No NYT, WaPo, WSJ, USA Today

    As Michael Gee said on the previous page, how can anyone be upset that he took questions from the Washington Times and FOX but didn't solicit questions from NYT, Washington Post and others? That's laughable. If they're so in the tank for him, seems like taking their questions would have been...
  8. G

    Herald to cut about 175 positions

    Andy, I guess my timeline was off. My bad. I don't have any dog in this race so I have no reason to make this up. I heard the story some time ago and I know and like both individuals. That's the extent of my involvement here.
  9. G

    Herald to cut about 175 positions

    In Bullet's defense, if you work in South Florida or know people who do, you probably know his identity. And that's the EXACT version of the story as I heard a year ago when this occurred. Not defending or condemning his decision to post it, just saying he's not all that anonymous. I don't...
  10. G

    Herald to cut about 175 positions

    Moddy, I hear you. It's no way to live. That's for damn sure.
  11. G

    Herald to cut about 175 positions

    My understanding is that Shain is not a done deal. There will be some buyouts offered, I believe. If the desired number of takers isn't reached, then I think Shain (others, too?) might be let go. I'm fairly certain that's accurate.
  12. G

    Phoenix radio guy calls Tomlin his "hero" during Monday's press conference

    He asked something about Tomlin's appreciation for Steelers fans or something like that. Let's just say it didn't make my story. And it was kind of amazing that there wasn't a collective gasp from all of us in the room. I think that's because everyone was dog tired from going to bed at 3 or 4...
  13. G

    Life after journalism

    The thing that has most impacted my feelings about getting out is money. For those, like me, who are at a big paper and making more than many of your colleagues, it's hard to maintain that salary if you change careers. I'm more than grateful for where I am in my career. But the state of the...
  14. G

    Broncos beat reporter, Denver Post

    This is not at all a knock on the person who got this job. I know nothing about her. But I can tell you that Denver disregarded a handful of experienced and interested NFL reporters on this one. I'm pretty sure it had to do with what kind of $$ they were willing to offer. From all indications...
  15. G

    Broncos beat reporter, Denver Post

    I'll second what Mizzou said. One of the best towns in which to be a sportswriter, in my opinion.
  16. G

    Reporter outs anonymous source on purpose

    There's a difference between off the record and using info without attribution. Most times -- at least in my interviews -- people are willing to allow you to use certain info, but people are very reluctant to have their name tied to sensitive stuff. You use it, just not with their name attached...
  17. G

    David Simon's lament in Esquire: "A newspaper can't love you back."

    Glad to see all the love for The Wire around here. I've been telling people about that show since the beginning. They universally come back to me thanking me profusely for turning them on to it. I can't watch Law and Order, CSI and the like anymore. They just bore me. I'd even venture to say...
  18. G

    Facial Hair

    The fact that there are so many discussions on this board about job-interview attire tells you all you need to know about the fashion sense of people in our business. (Then again, a walk through any press box could tell you a lot, too) This should be obvious: Interview=suit.
  19. G

    Copy Editor - St. Pete Times

    I wouldn't. They have a reputation for paying well. Ask around and you'll hear the same.
  20. G

    ASE, Miami Herald

    Look, the expectations in Miami are sky high, for reporters and editors. You go there to work, but you'll be better for it (and extremely tired) in the end. Working there made a man out of me.