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    Whitlock wronged by Playboy

    To anyone trying to defend Wright: Why do you think Obama jumped from that train? Planting the AIDS virus? The government behind 9/11? Jeez, you have a statue of Oliver Stone you bow before?
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    From The Publisher in Palm Beach

    Soft real estate market or no, you know some agent got a sweet commission off the big-ass house this new publisher must have bought. Give him the garden hose, too.
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    10 p.m. deadlines?

    The newspaper suits could find a way to fork up selling cold beer at a NASCAR event.
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    The ongoing slide into the black hole

    Our demographic is Viagra.
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    Money vs. Happiness

    Here's another problem with the whole happiness vs. money situation. At a lot of papers, a handful of people rake in pretty good money -- some earn it and some don't -- while everybody else gets paid shirt. That's guaranteed to leave people doing good work feeling pretty unhappy about their lousy...
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    The ongoing slide into the black hole

    At our place, sports stories constantly lead in page views. And stories on the favorite teams in the market are sure to get big numbers. But no, it's not turning into cold, hard cash. So it means nothing.
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    Shameless AssKissers/Backstabers

    What's amazing is how successful these lowlifes are in using these tactics. Guess that's another way of saying what's amazing is how stupid the bosses are. Some never catch on.
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    You -- and you know who you are -- need not apply

    Worked at a paper where the SE handed me clips of several candidates -- and everyone knew we were going to hire a minority -- and SE told me to basically grade on the curve because they were minority candidates. Couldn't believe it when I heard it. Also couldn't believe a couple of these...
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    Shameless AssKissers/Backstabers

    Can't stand these guys. There's usually one worse than the rest at every place you work. The one guy that I always think of, always finds out what's of interest to people in the glass offices and uses that to suck up to them. Also is good at finding various people of lower rank to latch onto...
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    Le Batard taking year off from paper

    To be fair: 1. Le Batard has talent. Even if you hate him, he has talent. 2. He long ago started selling out the column for cash (sad, but somewhat understandable). 3. He has an agenda (don't we all?), but so much ego that he believes anyone who is ever on the other side of the argument must be...
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    bad news in ft. worth

    Mizzougrad's three years prediction sounds a bit optimistic.
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    How long until we see ....

    Silver Charm is right. The focus is on the Web. People with kids playing high school football are surely savvy enough to go to the web on Saturday morning. It also would be a great way to increase page views on the weekend, which as I understand it lag behind daily views because people look at...
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    Office Politics

    It really is everywhere, including on the teams we cover. In baseball, you'll find guys with better stuff pitching as setup men because a guy with a bigger name and much bigger contract has to be the closer. Hyped recruits get more chances than below-the-radar guys in college football. But it's...
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    Huntsville's John Pruett - He gone

    Class act, pure and simple.
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    Buyouts claim a huge name: Jackie MacMullan out

    No tears for big names who land in a studio chair at ESPN. That's as crazy as the IU players putting K.S. on their shoes, like their coach had died. He got a large six-figure buyout. Where do I sign up for that?
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    Columnist salaries

    I know many will disagree with this, but a strong metro columnist is more important -- and worth more -- than a good sports columnist. The sports columnist will usually make more, quite a bit more. Worst of all, I could name you a bunch of sports columnists who aren't as good as they used to...
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    What makes Joe Posnanski a good columnist?

    Said it before and will say it again. Posnanski and Whitlock benefit from each other. Joe's great at writing baseball and Jason is absolutely horrible. Joe can't offer a really strong football opinion, and Jason will tell you exactly what the truth is and why. Funny thing is, Jason's voice would...
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    Congrats to Whitlock

    Sptchick is accurate about what made him. Whitlock got there before Posnanski. Whitlock was the hard opinion the section never had. He's never been much of a writer. Which is why they got Posnanski. As has been said here before, it's an effective one-two punch. Posnanski can't write the hard...
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    Asking what to tell someone starting in the profession

    All of us trapped in this wretched industry have a moral duty to stop anyone and everyone from entering into this death trap. Period.
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    NYT Ombudsman chides editors for McCain story

    Put in Obama and a female lobbyist. Story never sees the light of day. Guy is untouchable to the media, especially a paper like NYT. Same approach we all took with McGwire in 1998 -- even when there was a smoking gun in his locker -- and for years afterward. A lot of times, we just see what we...